

美音:[ləun ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ləun ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.(借出的)贷款,借出 v.借,借给


loan为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1471


名词:loaner 动词过去式:loaned 过去分词:loaned 现在分词:loaning 第三人称单数:loans

近义词, 同义词


advance  give  lend    


/ləʊn; lon/
1 [C] thing that is lent, esp a sum of money 借出物; (尤指)借款
*I'm only asking for a loan I'll pay you back. 我只要求借款--日後一定奉还.
* a bank loan, ie money lent by a bank 银行贷款.
2 [U] lending or being lent (used esp as in the expressions shown) 借出(尤用于下列示例)
*May I have the loan of (ie borrow) your bicycle? 可以借你的自行车用用吗?
* Can we ask your father for the loan of his car? 我们可以向你父亲借用他的汽车吗?
* It's not my book I've got it on loan from the library. 那不是我的书--是从图书馆借来的.

v [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (esp US) (Brit fml 文) lend sth 借出某物
*a painting graciously loaned by Her Majesty the Queen 女王陛下惠借的画.
1. The repayment of the loan are spread over 25 years.

2. Neither the people who own stock in the company, nor the officers of the 220 banks that provided history's biggest loan, nor the 3,000 journalists trying to imagine three parallel tunnels beneath 100 feet of water and 130 feet of clay.

3. I´m only asking for a loan--I´ll pay you back.
