

美音:[´lu:sən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´lu:sən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声




动词过去式:loosened 过去分词:loosened 现在分词:loosening 第三人称单数:loosens

近义词, 同义词


tie  tighten    


/'lu:sn; `lusn/
1 [I, Tn] become or make loose or looser 变松; 使松; 放松
*Can you loosen the lid of this jar? 你能把这个瓶盖松开吗?
* This knot keeps loosening. 这个结老松开.
* medicine to loosen a cough, ie help bring up the phlegm 止咳祛痰药. =>Usage at loose1 用法见loose1.
2 (idm 习语) loosen/tighten the purse-strings => purse1. loosen sb's `tongue make sb talk freely 使某人无拘束地谈话
*Wine soon loosened his tongue. 他喝过酒话就多了.
3 (phr v) loosen (sth) up (cause sth to) relax (使某事物)放松
*You should loosen up (your muscles) before playing any sport. 运动之前应先放松(肌肉).
* Don't be so nervous loosen up a bit. 别那么紧张--放松一点.


[I and T]
to make something less tight or less firmly fastened, or to become less tight or less firmly fastened
 You'll need a spanner to loosen that bolt.
 The screws have loosened.
 Harry loosened his tie.
to make laws, rules etc less strict
= relax
 Congress has loosened the restrictions on immigration.
loosen your grip/hold
a) to reduce the control or power you have over someone or something
loosen your grip/hold on
 The government has loosened its hold on the media considerably.
b) to start holding someone or something less tightly than you were before
tightenloosen your grip/hold on
 He loosened his grip on David's arm.
loosen sb's tongue
to make someone talk more than usual, especially about things they should not talk about
loosen upphr v
to stop worrying and become more relaxed, or to make someone do this
 She loosened up after she'd had a drink.
loosen sb⇔up
 His welcoming smile helped loosen her up.
if your muscles loosen up, or if something loosens them up, they stop feeling stiff
loosen sth⇔up
 A massage will loosen up your joints.
1. He didn´t loosen his tie.
