
m music

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m music为短语/超纲词汇

m music

音乐,广义而言是指任何以声音组成的艺术。英文Music一词源于古希腊语的 μουσική (mousike),意即缪斯(muse)女神的艺术。而中文的音乐二字,许慎《说文解字》解释为“音,声也。生于心,有节于外,谓之音。”认为音乐和声音的区别,在于音乐需要透过人心去想像和创造。音乐可分为创作、演奏、聆听三个过程,在不同文化和社会,对于音乐的过程及其重要性都有不同的理解。例如在西非鼓乐里,每个人皆是参与者,人们不会区分作曲者、演奏者和聆听者的身份。
1. But tell me, Joe, how did you guess that I wasn´t giving music lessons?"

2. But he also hosted a classical music show on the college's FM station and listened to Wagner as he studied his accounting.

3. When I played some music, Laurie stood up on the bed and danced.

4. The radio blared out pop music.

5. The music was composed by him.

6. The sounds of music grew fainter in the distance.

7. The sound of martial music is always inspiring.

8. The sick man found solace in music.

9. The soothing music was balm for his jangled nerves.

10. They have built a music studio.
