
machine tool



machine tool为短语/超纲词汇

machine tool

tool for cutting or shaping materials, driven by a machine 工作母机; 机床.

machine tool

ma'chine .tool
a tool for cutting and shaping metal, wood etc, usually one that uses electricity
1. Back in the early 1960s, when the laser was first being developed, it was viewed by some as a fascinating research tool, others called it a science-fiction toy.

2. We could make machine fly.

3. We can sew by hand or with a machine.

4. With scarcely a glance at the items, the clerk sweeps them across an aperture, where a special marking on each item is scanned by a low-powered laser beam inside the machine, connected to a remote computer.

5. Where once there was one set of furniture, one washing machine and one refrigerator, now there are two of all these things.

6. When we think of brilliance we see Einstein, a thinking machine with skin and mismatched socks.

7. This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.

8. This washing-machine is fully automatic.

9. The component parts of this machine are imported from Japan.

10. The worker detached a gear from the machine.
