

美音:[meın ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[meın ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.主要部分,体力,力量,大陆,要点,干线 adj.主要的,重要的,全力的 n. 主群组


main为中学词汇   词频:407


chief  dominant  first  foremost  leading  primary  principal    


/meɪn; men/
adj [attrib 作定语] (no comparative or superlative forms 无比较级或最高级形式)
1 most important; chief; principal 最重要的; 主要的; 首要的
*the main thing to remember 要记住的主要东西
* the main street of a town 市内的主要街道
* Be careful crossing that main road. 过那条大路时要小心.
* the main meal of the day 一天的正餐
* the main course (of a meal) (一餐的)主菜
* My main concern is the welfare of the children. 我最关心的是儿童的福利.
2 (idm 习语) have an eye for/on/to the main chance => eye1. in the `main for the most part; on the whole 大体上; 大致上
*These businessmen are in the main honest. 这些商人大都很诚实.

/meɪn; men/
1 [C]
(a) principal pipe bringing water or gas, or principal cable carrying electric current, from the source of supply into a building (自来水、煤气等的)总管道; (电流的)干线
*a burst water main 爆裂的自来水总管道
* The gas main exploded and set fire to the house. 煤气总管爆炸引起房子失火.
(b) principal sewer to which pipes from a building are connected (与建筑物下水道相连的)污水总管道.
2 [sing] (arch or rhet 古或修辞) open sea 大海
*ships on the main 大海中的船只
* the Spanish Main 加勒比海.
3 the mains [sing or pl v] source of water, gas or electricity supply to a building or area (供应一建筑物或地方的)水源, 煤气源, 电源
*My new house is not yet connected to the mains. 我的新房子还没接上水、电、煤气呢.
* The electricity supply has been cut off/disconnected at the mains. 电力供应已在电源处截断.
* [attrib 作定语] mains gas/water/electricity, ie (supplied) from the mains 由煤气源、水源、电源处供应的煤气[水/电]
* a mains/battery shaver, ie one which can be operated either from a mains electricity supply or by batteries 交流电[电池]两用剃刀.

/meɪn; men/
n (idm 习语) with might and main => might2.


Given a topological space and a group acting on it, the images of a single point under the group action form an orbit of the action. A fundamental domain is a subset of the space which contains exactly one point from each of these orbits.
1. But in the main, I feel like a brown bag of mixed items propped up against a wall.

2. When we later walked down the main street of the village, we were followed by a silent procession of children.

3. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.

4. This is the place where the three main arteries of West London traffic meet.

5. The main field of hygiene is concerned with healthy living and cleanliness.

6. The main dish had little flavor, but I made it palatable by adding condiments.

7. The other candidate´s main disadvantage is her age.

8. The main field of hygiene is concerned with healthy living and cleanliness.

9. Tentatively it can be suggested that this is the main influence upon those who urge the abolition of capital punishment.

10. The main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible.
