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n.地图,图 v.绘制地图 由LINK工具生成的一种文本文件,其中包含有被连接的程序的某些信息,例如程序中的组信息和公共符号信息等


map为小学词汇   词频:4753


名词:mapper 动词过去式:mapped 过去分词:mapped 现在分词:mapping 第三人称单数:maps 形容词:mappable




/mæp; mæp/
1 (a) representation on paper, etc of the earth's surface or part of it, showing countries, rivers, mountains, oceans, roads, etc 地图
*a map of France 法国地图
* find a place on the map 在地图上寻找一个地点
* a street map of London 伦敦街道图
* I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house. 我给你画一张到我家的路线图. =>illus 见插图.
(b) similar plan showing the position of the stars, etc in the sky 天体图(标示星辰等在天空的位置)
*a map of the heavens 天体图. Cf 参看 chart, plan 2.
2 (idm 习语) put sb/sth on the `map make sb/sth famous or important 使某人[某事物]出名或有重要性
*Her performance in that play really put her on the map as a comedy actress. 她在那出剧中当喜剧演员而一举成名. wipe sth off the map => wipe.

v (-pp-) [Tn]
1 make a map of (an area, etc); show on a map 绘制(一地区等的)地图; 用地图表示
*an unexplored country that hasn't yet been mapped 地图上没有标示的、未经勘察的地带.
2 (phr v) map sth out
(a) plan or arrange sth 筹画或安排某事
*He's already mapped out his whole future career. 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计画.
(b) present sth in detail 详细提出某事
*She mapped out her ideas on the new project. 她详细提出了对新项目的意见.


In differential geometry, the sharp map is the mapping that converts coordinate 1-forms into corresponding coordinate basis vectors.
1. Bruce consulted the map once more and told us that the village was now only fifteen miles away.

2. This is a celestial map.

3. This is a map of world.

4. Today, enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the Atlantic to be drawn and we know something of the great variety of the sea bed´s topography.

5. The curious thing was that the lake was not marked on the map.

6. The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.

7. The same map, in combination with ancient human bones, confirms that Africa was the birthplace of humanity and thus the starting point of the original human movements.

8. He drew a world map on a sphere.

9. A map / maps
    一张地图 地图(复数)

10. A color map of the world's genetic variation has Africa at one end of the range and Australia at the other.
