

美音:[mɑ:tʃ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[mɑ:tʃ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.行军,步伐,进行曲 vi.进军,前进 vt.使行军,使行进 n.(March)三月(略作Mar)


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hike  parade  tramp  walk  halt  stop    


/mɑ:tʃ; mɑrtʃ/
1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] walk as soldiers do, with regular steps of equal length 齐步走; 行进; 前进
*Quick march! ie a military command to start marching 快步走!
* Demonstrators marched through the streets. 示威者在街道中行进.
* They marched in and took over the town. 他们进占了这一市镇.
* march by, past, in, out, off, away, etc 走经、走过、开进、出发、离开、开走
* The army has marched thirty miles today.部队今天已行军三十英里.
(b) [I, Ipr, Ip] walk purposefully and determinedly (含有某目的和决心)走
*She marched in and demanded an apology. 她毅然地走进来要求向她道歉.
(c) [Tn.pr, Tn.p] cause (sb) to march 使(某人)行进
*march the troops up and down 让部队来回练习走步
* They marched the prisoner away. 他们令监犯齐步走.
* She was marched into a cell. 她被押进一间囚室.
2 (idm 习语) get one's marching orders; give sb his marching orders (infml or joc 口或谑) be told/tell sb to go; be dismissed/dismiss sb 被通知[告诉某人]离去; 被解雇[解雇某人]
*She was totally unreliable, so she got/was given her marching orders. 她完全不可靠, 所以给解雇了.
3 (phr v) march past (sb) (of troops) march ceremonially past (an honoured guest, a high-ranking officer, etc), eg in a parade (指部队)作分列式在(贵宾、首长等)面前经过(如受检阅).

/mɑ:tʃ; mɑrtʃ/
1 (a) [C] action of marching 行军; 行进
*a long, an arduous, etc march 长途行军、艰难的行进
* a ten-mile march 十英里行军.
(b) [sing] progress when marching; advance 前进; 进军
*their steady march towards the enemy 他们稳步向敌人进逼
* the line of march, ie route followed by troops when marching (部队的)进军路线.
2 [C] procession from one place to another by many people, esp as a protest 游行; (尤指)示威游行
*a peace march 为争取和平的游行
* an anti-nuclear (weapons) march 反核(武器)游行. Cf 参看 demonstration 3.
3 [C] piece of music written for marching to 进行曲
*military marches 军队进行曲
* a dead march, ie a slow one for a funeral 葬礼进行曲
* [attrib 作定语] a march tune 进行曲调
* in march tempo 以进行曲速度.
4 [sing] the ~ of sth the steady development or onward movement of sth 稳定的发展或前进
*the march of progress/events/time 进步的过程[事件的发展/时间的推移].
5 (idm 习语) on the march marching 行进; 行军
*The enemy are on the march at last. 敌人终于出动了. steal a march => steal.


n [U and C]written abbreviationMar.
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin martius, from martius 'of Mars, god of war']
the third month of the year, between February and April
next/last March
 She started work here last March.
in March
 The theatre opened in March 2001.
on March 6th
 There's a meeting on March 6th.
on 6th MarchBrE
 I wrote to my bank on 6th March.
March 6AmE
 The hospital is scheduled to open March 6.
1. The Party Central Committee is leading us on the new long march.

2. The name of this Soviet astronaut was Leonov; and the date was March 18, 1965.
    这位苏联宇航员的名字叫做列昂诺夫; 那是1965年3月18日.

3. The protest march developed into a riot.

4. The name of this Soviet astronaut was Leonov; and the date was March 18, 1965.
    这位苏联宇航员的名字叫做列昂诺夫; 那是1965年3月18日.

5. The long march stiffened me.

6. To get his new calendar started in line with the seasons, Caesar moved New Year´s Day from March 1 to January 1, and so January became the first month of the year.

7. He ignited the march by scratching it on the desk .

8. He got his patent (专利) on the telephone on March 7, 1876. It is one of the most valuable patents ever given by the U.S.

9. March, April and May make the spring season.

10. Under this scheme, individuals attempt to march towards maximum happiness as they move through a procession of more or less satisfying romantic relationships.
