名词:massiveness 副词:massively
-ive 形容词字尾
近义词, 同义词
/'mæsɪv; `mæsɪv/
1 (a) large, heavy and solid 大而重的; 巨大的
*a massive monument, rock, etc 巨大的纪念碑、大石.
(b) (of the features of a person or animal ) heavy-looking (指人或动物的面貌)粗大的
*The gorilla had a massive forehead. 猩猩的前额很大.
2 substantial; very large 可观的; 巨大的; 大量的
*a massive increase, crowd 巨大的增长、大批的群众
* She drank a massive amount of alcohol. 她喝了大量的烈性酒.
* He suffered a massive (ie very severe) heart attack.他患了严重的心脏病.
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: French;Origin: massif, from masse; MASS1]
very large, solid, and heavy
The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.
the castle's massive walls
unusually large, powerful, or damaging
My phone bill is going to be massive this month.
massive increases in the number of homeless
Club members can get a massive discount of £50.
massive stroke/heart attack etc
Simpkins suffered a massive stroke.
massive argument/row etcBrE
I had a massive argument with her.
BrE informal extremely good
Listen to this. It's a massive song.
The president was massively popular.
1. The temple is supported by massive columns. 此庙由粗大的柱子支撑.
2. A massive stone is on the road. 有一块巨石在马路上.
3. Set up on a downtown parking lot, its entrance marked by a massive sign that reads, in English, "Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line", 它建在市中心的一个停车场上,入口处有一巨大的招牌,上面用英文写着"在世界线上从你心底发出的优美音乐"(Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line)。"
4. My mother is dying slowly and painfully after suffering a massive stroke. 我的母亲得了严重中风,现正缓慢而痛苦地朝着死亡走去。
5. In recent years, the government has waged a massive ad campaign to encourage birth control, offering inducements such as free trips to Mecca, the birthplace of Islam in Saudi Arabia. 印尼政府近几年来已发动了一场大规模的广告宣传运动来鼓励节制生育,并提出了鼓励措施,如提供免费去沙特阿拉伯的麦加-伊斯兰教的诞生地-的机会。