

[军] Medhanical and Electrical,机械及电气




/mi:; mi/
见词条使用详细说明6.2. pers pron 人称代词 (used as the object of a v or of a prep; also used independently or after be 用作动词或介词的宾语, 也可独立使用或用于动词be之後) person who is the speaker or writer 我
*Don't hit me. 别打我.
* Give it to me. 给我.
* Hello, it's me. 喂, 是我呀.
* `Who's there?' `Only me.' `谁在那儿?'`只有我.' Cf 参看 I2.

/mi:; mi/
n (music 音) = mi.


pron [object form of 'I']
[Language: Old English;]
used by the person speaking or writing to refer to himself or herself
 Stop, you're hurting me.
 He bought me a drink.
 Give that book to me.
 She's two years older than me.
 That's me, standing on the left.
me too
spoken used to tell someone that you feel the same way as they do, that you are in a similar situation etc
 'I'm hungry!' 'Me too.'
me neitheralsonor me
spoken used to say that you agree with a negative statement that someone has just made
 'I can't believe he's fifty.' 'Me neither.'