

美音:[ment ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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pt, pp of mean1.


the past tense and past participle of mean
1. Bart: Yeah, I meant to ask you about her. Who let her out of the doghouse?
    巴 特:对,我就是要向你问到她,是谁放她出狗舍的?

2. Bolongo, he explained, meant river or stream in Mandinka, and Kamby-Bolongo could be Gambia River.

3. The news meant the ruin of all our hopes.

4. This meant that if the news spread that a surgeon was dissecting bodies, it would stir up trouble.

5. Though your parents probably meant your name to last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they'd hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they valued when they chose it may not match yours.
    虽然你父母很可能打算让你的名字一辈子用下去,但记住, 他们选这个名字的时侯,也许还没有见过你呢。

6. Nor had she flown on the same plane as myself — doing so would have meant answering "yes" when asked whether she was traveling with any member of her family.

7. He always meant to go back one day, but not to stay.

8. Saturday meant most adults were at home on the route.

9. Perhaps that meant he was used to strong, achieving women.

10. Most people, somewhere between the ages of 30 and 50, finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or whatever.
