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mechanism为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1885



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/'mekənɪzəm; `mɛkə,nɪzəm/ n
1 working parts of a machine, etc 机械装置
*a delicate watch mechanism 精细的手表机件
* the firing mechanism of a rifle 步枪的击发装置.
2 parts of an organism or system which work together (机体或装置的)结构, 构造
*the mechanisms of the body 身体的结构.
3 method or procedure for getting things done 手法; 技巧; 程序
*There are no mechanisms for transferring funds from one department to another. 基金无法从一部门转移至另一部门.


part of a machine or a set of parts that does a particular job
 the brake mechanism
 a clock mechanism
a system that is intended to achieve something or deal with a problem
mechanism for (doing) sth
 existing mechanisms for decision making
mechanism to do sth
 The Army has set up mechanisms to help jobless ex-soldiers get work.
exchange rate mechanism
a system or a way of behaving that helps a living thing to avoid or protect itself from something difficult or dangerous
defence/control/survival mechanism
 When a person is ill, the body's natural defence mechanisms come into operation.
the way that something works
mechanism of
 the mechanism of the brain
1. With this coping mechanism, you think you don’t need anybody.

2. The last type of defense mechanism is called “rejection.”

3. The third kind of defense mechanism is called “isolation.”

4. An aeroplane engine is a complex mechanism.

5. Another type of defense mechanism is called “regression.”

6. One type of coping mechanism is called “repression.”
