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mile为高中词汇   词频:780


/maɪl; maɪl/
1 [C] unit of distance equal to 1.6 km 英里(等于1.6公里)
*For miles and miles there's nothing but desert. 绵延数英里除了沙漠别无他物.
* a 39-mile journey 39英里的行程. =>App 4,5 见附录4、5. Cf 参看 nautical mile (nautical).
2 [C esp pl 尤作复数] (infml 口) a great amount or distance; much 大量; 大距离; 很多
*She's feeling miles (ie very much) better today. 她今天身体好多了.
* He's miles older than she is. 他年纪比她大得多.
* There's no one within miles/a mile of her (ie No one can rival her) as a tennis-player. 她打网球远无敌手.
* You missed the target by a mile/by miles. 你远未中的.
3 (esp 尤作 the mile) [sing] race over one mile 一英里赛跑
*Who's running in the mile? 谁参加一英里赛跑?
* He can run a four-minute mile, ie run a mile in four minutes or less. 他能参加四分钟一英里赛(四分钟内跑一英里).
* [attrib 作定语] the world mile record 一英里赛跑世界记录.
4 (idm 习语) ,miles from `anywhere/`nowhere in a remote or isolated place, position, etc 偏远的或孤立的地方、位置等. a miss isas good as a mile => miss1. run a mile (from sb/sth)be anxious or careful to avoid sb/sth 竭力或小心躲避某人[某事物]
*I'd sooner run a mile than be interviewed on television. 要让我接受电视采访, 我可要跑得远远的. see/tell sth a `mile off (infml 口) see/tell sth very easily 显而易见; 极易识别
*He's lying
*you can see that a mile off. 他在撒谎, 你一听就知道. stand/stick out a `mile be very striking or noticeable 极醒目; 极显眼
*Her honesty sticks out a mile. 她很诚实, 这是有目共睹的.
* It stands out a mile that she's telling the truth. 她说的是实情, 这是明摆着的事.


[Language: Old English;Origin: mil, from Latin milia passum 'thousands of paces']
written abbreviationm
a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1760 yards or about 1609 metres
 It's forty miles from here to the Polish border.
 an area 50 miles wide and 150 miles long
 We walked about half a mile .
 He was driving at 70 miles per hour .
the mile
a race that is a mile in length
 the first man to run the mile in under four minutes
a very long distance
miles from
 We were miles from home, and very tired.
miles away
 You can't go to Portsmouth, it's miles away.
for miles
 You can see for miles from here.
 They lived in a little cottage miles from anywhere (=a long way from the nearest town) .
go the extra mile
to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort
 The president expressed his determination to go the extra mile for peace.
stick out/stand out a mileinformal
to be very easy to see or notice
 It sticks out a mile that you're new here.
can see/spot/tell sth a mile offinformal
if you can see something a mile off, it is very easy to notice
 You can tell a mile off that he likes you.
be miles away
spoken to not be paying attention to anything that is happening around you
 'Kate!' 'Sorry, I was miles away!'
miles older/better/too difficult etc
BrE informal very much older, better, too difficult etc
= loads
 The second film's miles better.
by a mileinformal
by a very large amount
 He was the best player on the pitch by a mile.
miles out
BrE informal a measurement, guess, or calculation that is miles out is completely wrong
join the mile high clubinformal
to have sex in a plane
nautical mile,run a mileatrun1 (38)
1. But as far as the two young men were concerned, every mile farther south increased their enthusiasm and excitement.

2. It requires 97 per cent less energy to travel the quarter of a million miles from the Moon to Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey from Earth´s surface into orbit!

3. What remained of the life he had made was blown to bits though his home was more than a mile from ground zero.

4. When it really opens, probably in October, the 31-mile Channel Tunnel (the Chunnel, for short) will be 15 months behind schedule and $7 billion over a budget set in 1987.

5. The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh centure, lies about a mile away.
    著名的圣,伯纳德修道院是在11世纪建立的. 它坐落在离隘口一英里的地方.

6. The famous monastery of St. Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away.

7. They were on the Orinoco, which widened with every mile.

8. The train cuts through infinite territory, most of it flat and boring, and it seems to me that the ceaseless rhythm of the wheels is like scissors cutting a three-thousand-mile rip through my life.
    列车飞快地穿过茫茫无际的大地——大部分土地平坦,但令人感到厌烦。对我来说,车轮不间断地发出的有节奏的声音就象一把剪刀,咔嚓咔嚓地在我的生命长河中剪出了一条长达 3.000 英里的口子。

9. Doors connect the train tunnels to the smaller tunnel every quarter mile and provide escape routes.

10. Actually, he lived a mile, or 20 minutes' walk, from his nearest neighbor; half a mile from the railroad; three hundred yards from a busy road.
