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英音:[´mʌnθlı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.每月的 adv.每月一次 n.月刊


monthly为中学词汇   词频:4275




-ly 加上名词作形容词,若加上形容词则为副词


1 done, happening, published, etc once a month or every month 每月的; 每月一次的
*a monthly meeting, visit, magazine 每月一次的例会、访问、刊物.
2 payable, valid or calculated for one month 按月支付的; 有效期为一个月的; 按月计算的
*a monthly season ticket 月票
* a monthly income of £800 800英镑的月收入. adv every month; once a month 每月; 按月; 一月一次地
*to be paid monthly 每月得到一次付款. n
1 magazine published once a month 月刊
*a literary monthly 文学月刊.
2 season-ticket valid for a month 月票
*A monthly is more economical than
4 weeklies. 一张月票比四张周票上算.
1. Women of child-bearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.

2. The monthly rent is 150 dollars, inclusive of light and water.
    每月租金一百五十美元, 包括水电费在内。

3. They subscribe to a monthly magazine in addition to several daily newspapers.

4. The parents agree in writing to meet monthly in one of 20 regional groups, go to a yearly three-day regional retreat, and spend at least three times a year in workshops, discussion groups and seminars at Bath.

5. Another well-known and useful periodical is the monthly Privacy Journal (《隐私月报》).

6. Yes,I pay monthly.It´s two hundred Yuan per month.
    是的, 我按月付钱, 每月200元.
