

美音:[´mɔ:rəl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´mɔ:rəl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.道德(上)的,精神的 n.道德


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/'mɒrəl; [US] 'mɔ:rəl; `mɔrəl/
1 [attrib 作定语] concerning principles of right and wrong behaviour; ethical 道德的; 伦理的
*the decline of moral standards 道德标准的下降
* a moral question, problem, judgement, dilemma, etc 有关道德的议题、问题、判断、困惑等
* moral philosophy 伦理学
* challenge sth on moral grounds 就某事的道德依据质疑
* strong moral fibre, ie the courage to face opposition bravely when doing what is right 坚强的道德观念.
2 [attrib 作定语] based on people's sense of what is right and just, not on legal rights and obligations 道德上的; 道义上的
*a moral law, duty, obligation, etc 道德律、道义上的责任、道义上的义务
* show moral courage 表现出道德上的勇气.
3 following standards of right behaviour; good or virtuous 有道德的; 品行端正的
*lead a moral life 过着规规矩矩的生活
* a very moral person 品行端正的人.
4 [attrib 作定语] able to understand the differences between right and wrong 能分辨是非的
*Human beings are moral individuals. 人是有辨别是非能力的.
5 teaching or illustrating good behaviour 道德教育的; 有教育意义的
*a moral story, tale, poem, etc 有教育意义的事迹、故事、诗等.

/'mɒrəl; [US] 'mɔ:rəl; `mɔrəl/ n
1 [C] practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches (故事的)寓意; (事情或经历所含的)教训, 教益
*The moral of this story is `Better late than never'. 这个故事的寓意是`迟做总比不做好'.
2 morals [pl] standards of behaviour; principles of right and wrong 行为的标准; 是非的原则; 道德; 伦理
*question sb's morals 对某人的品行提出异议
* the corruption of public morals 社会风气的败坏
* a person of loose morals, ie one who has had many casual sexual partners 行为放荡的人(多风流韵事者).
1. But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense.
    但是赞成宽泛教育的最重要的理由是, 在学习世世代代积累起来的知识的同时,我们也提高了自己的道德感。

2. However, today's businessman, selling in overseas markets, will frequently meet situations where it is difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience.

3. Do you want to "write" a paper on "Hamlet’s irreconcilable moral dilemmas?" Simply

4. Designing cities according to the traditional concept that hard work is a moral duty, those who rebuilt Japan after World War II left almost no room for recreation.

5. Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training,

6. Yet much of the moral opposition seems also to grow out of an automatic, unthinking disgust.

7. President Clinton ordered a national commission to study the legal and moral implications of cloning.

8. Moral? There is no one ´right´ way to structure a portfolio.

9. Leaders in Europe, where most nations already prohibit human cloning, began examining the moral implications of cloning other species.

10. It is easy to talk about having high moral standards but, in practice, what would one really do in such a situation?
