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motor为六级词汇   词频:1841


动词过去式:motored 过去分词:motored 现在分词:motoring 第三人称单数:motors


mov,mob,mot=to move(移动)


engine  machine    


/'məʊtə(r); `motɚ/
1 (a) device that changes (usu electric) power into movement, used to make machines work 发动机; 马达
*an electric motor 电动机.
(b) device that changes fuel (eg petrol) into energy to provide power for a vehicle, boat, etc 内燃机
*an outboard motor, ie one attached to the back of a small boat 船外发动机(装于小船尾部者).
2 (Brit dated or joc 旧或谑) car 汽车.

adj [attrib 作定语]
1 having or driven by a motor (1) 有发动机的; 由发动机驱动的
*motor vehicles 机动车辆
* a motor mower 机动刈草机.
2 of or for vehicles driven by a motor 机动车辆的; 为机动车辆的
*motor racing 汽车比赛
* motor insurance 汽车保险
* the motor trade 汽车业
* the Motor Show 汽车展览
* a motor mechanic 汽车机械工.
3 giving or producing motion 产生运动的
*motor nerves, ie those that carry impulses from the brain to the muscles 运动神经.

v [I, Ipr, Ip] (dated 旧 Brit) travel by car 乘汽车
*They spent a pleasant afternoon motoring through the countryside. 他们一下午都在郊野开着汽车, 十分愉快.
1. But the biggest information gatherer of them all is the Department of Motor Vehicles (汽车管理部门), or DMV, of each state, according to Garfinkel.

2. We need a motor of one horsepower.

3. Nevertheless, at that time, there were people in the motor industry in Britain who were prepared to say in private:

4. He found a toy electric motor in a junk heap.

5. He found an eletric motor in a junk pile.

6. He made a sketch of the motor.

7. Potholes, unrepaired bridges, and other problems will make streets impassable to motor vehicles, so bicycles and animal-drawn vehicles will prevail.

8. Given the existing system, which links together all 51 U.S. motor vehicle agencies, "no other state agency tracks the movement of people more accurately."

9. Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.

10. I´ll have Master Li repair the motor for you.
