

美音:[maunt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[maunt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.乘用马,衬纸,山,装配 vi.乘马,爬上,增长 vt.爬上,使上马,装上,设置,安放,制作...的标本,上演


mount为六级词汇   词频:2682


名词:mounter 动词过去式:mounted 过去分词:mounted 现在分词:mounting 第三人称单数:mounts 形容词:mountable

近义词, 同义词


advance  ascend  board  climb  fix  gain  get-on  go-up  grow  increase  place  position  rise  set  descend  dismount    


/maʊnt; maunt/
n (arch, except in place names, usu written Mt 古词, 但仍可用于地名, 通常略作Mt) mountain; hill 山; 峰
*Mt Etna, Everest, etc 埃特纳火山、埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰)
* the Mount of Olives 橄榄 山
* St Michael's Mount 圣迈克尔山.

/maʊnt; maunt/
1 [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (to sth) go up; ascend 登上
*The climbers mounted higher and higher. 攀登者越爬越高.
* a staircase that mounts to the top of a building 通往楼顶的楼梯
* A blush mounted to the child's face, ie The blood spread to the child's cheeks. 孩子的双颊泛出红晕.
* mount the stairs 上楼梯.
2 [I, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (on sth) get onto or put (sb) onto a horse, etc for riding; provide (sb) with a horse for riding 骑上马; 使(某人)骑上马; 为(某人)备马
*He quickly mounted (his horse) and rode away. 他迅速上马疾驰而去.
* He mounted the boy on the horse. 他把孩子抱上马.
* The policemen were mounted on (ie rode) black horses. 那些警察骑着黑色的马.
3 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (up) (to sth) increase in amount or intensity (量或强度)增加, 上升
*The death toll mounted (to 100). 死亡人数上升(至100).
* Concern is mounting over the fate of the lost expedition. 对失踪探险队命运的担心与时俱增.
* bills, debts, expenses, etc that mount up 日益增多的帐单、债务、费用等.
4 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on/onto/in sth) put sth into place on a support; fix sth in position for use, display or study 将某物置于架上; 将某物固定住(以备使用、展示或研究)
*mount a collection of stamps onto card/in an album 把搜集的邮票安放到卡片纸上[集邮册中]
* mount specimens on slides 把标本固定到载片上
* a brooch of diamonds mounted in silver镶于银托上的钻石胸针.
5 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (in sth) set sth up; organize sth; begin sth 发起; 组织或开始某事
*mount an exhibition, a production, a display, etc 举办展览、开始生产、筹备陈列
* mount a protest, a demonstration, an attack, an offensive, etc 发起抗议、示威、攻击、攻势等
* The pop concert was mounted in a sports stadium. 流行歌曲演唱会是在体育场举行的.
6 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (on/around sth) place sb on guard 派某人站岗
*mount sentries on a wall, round a palace, etc 在墙上、宫殿周围等设置警卫.
7 [I, Tn] (esp of large male animals, eg bulls) get up on (a female) in order to copulate (尤指大型雄性动物, 如公牛)趴到(雌性动物)身上交配.
8 (idm 习语) mount guard (at/over sb/sth) act as a guard or sentinel 作警卫; 站岗
*soldiers mounting guard at/over the palace 在宫殿作警卫的士兵. mount the `throne become king, queen, etc 即王位.

n thing on which a person or thing is mounted (eg a card for a picture, a glass slide for a specimen, a horse for riding, etc) 承载物(如镜框的衬纸板、标本载片、乘坐的马等).
1. His death is weighter than Mount Tai.

2. And wild questions on the topic of cloning continue to mount.

3. Mount Vesuvius hasn´t erupted for a good many years .

4. Mount Everest is somewhat a pride of the Chinese people.
