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-itude 表示抽象名称的字尾

近义词, 同义词


/'mʌltɪtju:d; [US] -tu:d; `mʌltə,tud/
n (fml 文)
1 [C] ~ (of sb/sth) extremely large number of people or things (esp of people gathered or moving about in one area) 多数, 大批(尤指在一处集结或移动的人群)
*A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach. 一大群人聚集起来听他布道.
* Vast multitudes of birds visit this lake in spring. 春天有大批的鸟飞临此湖.
* just one of a multitude of problems, reasons, etc 仅就大量问题、理由等中的一个.
2 the multitude [Gp] (sometimes derog 有时作贬义) ordinary people; the masses 群众; 大众; 群氓
*special qualities which mark her out from the multitude 令她超群出众的特殊品质
* demagogues who appeal to the multitude 迎合民心的煽动家.
3 (idm 习语) cover/hide a multitude of sins (often joc 常作戏谑语) conceal a (usu unpleasant) reality 掩盖(通常为不快的)实情
*The description `produce of more than one country' can cover a multitude of sins. `多国产物'之说尽可遮人耳目了.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French;Origin:Latin multitudo, from multus; MULTI-]
a multitude of sb/sth
formal or literary a very large number of people or things
 I had never seen such a multitude of stars before.
 a multitude of possible interpretations
the multitude(s)
ordinary people, especially when they are thought of as not being very well educated
 Political power has been placed in the hands of the multitude.
literary or biblical a large crowd of people
 Clamoring multitudes demanded a view of the Pope.
cover/hide a multitude of sins
to make faults or problems seem less clear or noticeable - used humorously
 Patterned carpet can hide a multitude of sins (=the carpet is dirty, but the pattern hides it) .
1. A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach.
