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mutual为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3290


副词:mutually 名词:mutuality


mut=to change(改变)

近义词, 同义词


common  joint  reciprocal    


/'mju:tʃʊəl; `mjutʃuəl/
1 (of a feeling or an action) felt or done by each towards the other (指感想或行为)相互的, 彼此的
*mutual affection, suspicion, etc, ie A is fond/suspicious of B, and B is fond/suspicious of A 彼此间的爱、猜疑等
* mutual aid, assistance, etc 相互的援助、帮助等.
2 [attrib 作定语] (of people) having the same specified relationship to each other (指人)有相同关系的
*We are mutual friends, enemies, etc. 我们彼此是朋友、敌人等.
3 [attrib 作定语] (infml 口) shared by two or more people (人与人之间)共同的, 共有的, 共享的
*our mutual friend, Smith, ie Smith, a friend of both of us 我们两人共同的朋友史密斯.
4 (idm 习语) a mutual admiration society (derog 贬) situation in which two or more people praise or openly admire each other 互相吹棒.


[Date: 1400-1500; Language: French;Origin: mutuel, from Latin mutuus 'lent, borrowed, mutual']
mutual feelings such as respect, trust, or hatred are feelings that two or more people have for each other
mutual respect/trust/understanding etc
 Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.
 European nations can live together in a spirit of mutual trust.
 I didn't like Dev, and the feeling seemed to be mutual.
 The two men were a mutual admiration society , gushing about how much they were learning from each other.
[only before noun]
mutual support, help etc is support that two or more people give each other
 MAMA puts new mothers in touch with each other, for mutual support and friendship.
mutual agreement/consent
when two or more people both agree to something
 In the end the relationship was ended by mutual agreement.
mutual friend/interest
a friend or interest that two people both have
 We discovered a mutual interest in drama.
1. We are willing to do business with any nation on a basis of equality and mutual benefit.

2. This kind of variability not only loosens the parents' ability to set limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that is present in healthy famili
    这样的反复无定不但削弱了父母管教孩子的能力,同时也在某种程度上使父母与子女之间的关系变味 -- 使家长和子女失去存在于健康家庭里的某些幸福和相互尊重。

3. The continual source of our strength was our mutual trust and respect.

4. Thus, the direction of the meeting is a mutual attempt to reduce confrontation and achieve harmony.

5. Although our families met through a mutual friend, many Indian families meet through advertisements placed in national newspapers.

6. She and Nicholas purged themselves of their mutual prejudices.

7. Children, relatives, and the ties of mutual obligation and care are left behind, with no place to go.

8. I trust that you will find me attractive, and that you won't abandon me; I trust the mutual nature of our love.
