

美音:[´maı´self ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´maı´self ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


myself为中学词汇   词频:821


/maɪ'self; maɪ`sɛlf/
reflex, emph pron 反身、强调代词 (only taking the main stress in sentences when used emphatically 仅用以加强语气时方读重音)
1 (reflex 反身) (used when the speaker or writer is also the person affected by an action 用于动作及于说话者或写作者本人时)
*I ,cut myself with a `knife. 我用刀把自己剌伤了.
2 (emph 强调) (used to emphasize the speaker or writer 用以强调说话者或写作者本人)
*I my`self will present the prizes. 我亲自来发奖.
* I said so my`self only last week. 我自己在上星期还这样说过.
3 (idm 习语) (all) by my`self
(a) alone 独自.
(b) without help 独自地; 独力地
*I finished the crossword (all) by myself. 我自己(一个人)做出的纵横填字字谜.


pron [reflexive form of 'I']
used by the person speaking or writing to show that they are affected by their own action
 I blame myself for what has happened.
 I can look after myself.
 I'm making myself a sandwich.
a) used to emphasize 'I' or 'me'
 Why do I always have to do everything myself?
 They say it's a beautiful place, but I myself have never been there.
b) used after 'like', 'as', or 'except' instead of 'me'
 No one is to blame except myself.
(all) by myself
a) alone
 I'd like to be by myself for a while.
b) without help from anyone else
 I painted the house all by myself.
not feel/be myselfinformal
used when the person speaking does not feel well, or is not able to behave normally, for example because he or she is upset or ill
 I haven't been feeling myself lately.
 Sorry, I'm not myself today. I've had some bad news.
have sth (all) to myself
to not have to share something with anyone else
 Everyone else had gone out and I had the apartment all to myself.