
named pipes



named pipes为短语/超纲词汇
1. Engineers build huge storm pipes or sewers (污水沟) to carry the storm water away, but these cause another problem.

2. Barbie's boyfriend, Ken, was introduced in 1961 and named after Barbara's brother.

3. For on November 21st, 1964, the longest suspension bridge in the world was named after him.

4. We will visit a boy named Charlie Green.

5. When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, or vacuum cleaners fail to operate,

6. When Augustus Octavian became emperor after Caesar´s death, he also named a month for himself — August.

7. Word last week that a scientist named Ian Wilmut had succeeded in cloning an adult mammal — an achievement long thought impossible — caught the imagination of everyone.

8. The pipes are clogging up.

9. Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle´s theory of falling objects.
    后来, 大约在四百年前, 一位名叫伽利略的意大利科学家开始怀疑亚里斯多德的落体学说.

10. The company have named him as manager.
