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nightmare为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4013


名词:nightmarishness 形容词:nightmarish 副词:night-marishly


1 frightening dream 恶梦; 梦魇
*I have nightmares about falling off a cliff. 我作恶梦梦见从悬崖上摔下来了.
2 (infml 口) very frightening or unpleasantexperience 非常可怕的或不愉快的经历
*Driving during the blizzard was a nightmare. 在暴风雪中开车真吓人.


[Date: 1200-1300; Origin: night + mare 'evil spirit' (11-18 centuries) (from Old English)]
a very frightening dream
nightmare about
 Years after the accident I still have nightmares about it.
 a recurring nightmare (=one which you have again and again)
[usually singular]
a very difficult, unpleasant, or frightening experience or situation
 Traffic was a nightmare.
nightmare for
 This has been an absolute nightmare for me and my family.
nightmare of (doing) sth
 the nightmare of going through divorce
 It was every teacher's worst nightmare (=the worst thing which could have happened) .
 a nightmare journey
something terrible that you fear may happen in the future
nightmare of
 the nightmare of a nuclear war
nightmare scenario
(=the worst or most frightening situation that you can imagine)
1. The child had a terrible nightmare and awoke crying.

2. Thanks to the Party and the countless martyrs who died for the cause, we have been spared all that terrible nightmare of imperialist aggression and Kuomintang misrule.

3. And, as in a nightmare, there was nobody in sight to help me.

4. SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) — For generations of students, writing term papers has been a major source of nerves and frustration, if not the ultimate homework nightmare.

5. I felt as if I had stumbled into a nightmare country, as you sometimes do in dreams.
