.non-'fiction n[U] books or writing about real facts or events, not imagined ones ≠ fiction I read a lot of non-fiction. >non-fictionadj
1. But this hope is always in the realms of science fiction. 但是,这种希望总是只在科幻小说中存在。
2. Back in the early 1960s, when the laser was first being developed, it was viewed by some as a fascinating research tool, others called it a science-fiction toy. 追溯到二十世纪六十年代初期,当激光最初被开发利用时,一些人视之为神奇的科研工具,另一些人则称之为科幻小说里的玩具。
3. A world with human clones was suddenly within reach. It was science fiction coming to life. 一个克隆人类的世界突然间近在咫尺,科幻小说变成了现实。
4. Space travelers will walk on the planets. These factors of life were science fiction images a few decades ago. 宇航员将在行星上漫步。这些原本只是几十年前科幻小说中的人类形象。
5. Many of the vivid warnings of science-fiction concerning the prospect of human cloning turn out, upon reflection, to be wildly improbable. 有关克隆人类前景的科幻小说所发出的种种真切的警告,仔细想来却变成了无稽之谈。
6. It is all very well for such things to occur in fiction. 这种事情出现在小说中倒还可以。
7. It is all very well for such things to occur in fiction. 这种事发生在小说中是无可非议的。