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nor为六级词汇   词频:822




/nɔ:(r); nɔr/ conj, adv
1 (used after neither or not 用于neither或not之後) and not 也不; 也没
*He has neither talent nor the desire to learn. 他既无天分也不想学习.
* Not a leaf nor an insect stirred. 不单是树叶, 连个虫子都不动.
2 (fml 文) (used with aux vs and modal vs, with the subject following the v 与助动词和情态动词连用, 句中主语与动词倒置) and...not...either ...也不
*He can't see, nor could he hear until a month ago. 他现在看不见, 一个月之前他还听不见.
* She isn't rich; nor do I imagine that she ever will be. 她现在不富, 我看她将来也富不了.
* It won't arrive today. Nor tomorrow. 今天到不了. 明天也不会到.
* Nor am I aware that anyone else knows the secret. 我也不知道别人谁还能知道这个秘密. Cf 参看 neither.


conj, adv
[Date: 1200-1300; Origin: nother 'neither, nor' (13-19 centuries)]
neither ... nor ...
used when mentioning two things that are not true or do not happen
 He can neither read nor write. (=he cannot read or write)
 Hilary was neither shocked nor surprised by the news.
 Neither Matt nor Julie said anything (=Matt did not say anything and Julie did not say anything) .
formal used after a negative statement in order to introduce another negative statement containing a similar kind of information
 I don't expect children to be rude, nor do I expect to be disobeyed.
 It was not my fault, nor his.
BrE used after a negative statement to say that the negative statement is also true for someone or something else
 'I don't want to go.' 'Nor do I.'
 They couldn't understand it at the time, and nor could we.