

美音:[nau ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[nau ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adv.现在,目前,此刻,立刻,马上 n.现在,如今 conj.既然


now为小学词汇   词频:70



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/naʊ; nau/
1 (a) at the present time 现在; 目前
*Where are you living now? 你现在住在哪里?
* It is now possible to put a man on the moon. 目前已能将人送到月球上.
* Now (eg After all these interruptions) I can get on with my work. 现在我可以继续工作了(如受多次 打扰之後).
* Now is the best time to visit the gardens. 现在是最适合逛花园的时候.
(b) immediately; at once 马上; 立刻
*Start writing now. 立刻开始写.
* You've got to ask her. It's now or never. 你得去问她. 马上就去否则就没机会了.
(c) (used after a prep 用于介词之後) the present time 现在
*I never realized I loved you until now. 我至今才意识到我爱你.
* He should have arrived by now. 此时他本该到了. Cf 参看 then.
2 (used by the speaker, without reference to time, to continue a narrative, request, warning, etc 说话者用以表示继续进行叙述、请求、警告等, 不表示时间)
*Now the next thing he did was to light a cigarette. 然後他点了一枝烟.
* Now be quiet for a few moments and listen to this. 请安静一会儿, 注意听着.
* No cheating, now. 不许作弊.
3 (idm 习语) (every) now and again/then at irregular intervals; occasionally 时而; 偶尔; 有时
*I like to go to the opera now and then. 我喜欢偶尔去看歌剧.
* Every now and again she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep. 她时而到楼上看看他是否还在睡着. ,now, `now; `now then (used before expressing disapproval or admonishment 用于表示不赞成或劝慰的话语之前)
*Now, now, stop quarrelling. 行了, 行了, 别再吵了.
* Now then, that's enough noise. 可以啦, 别再闹了.
* Now, now, cheer up and forget about it. 好啦, 好啦, 振作起来,别再想它了. now...now/then at one time...at another time 时而...时而...
*Her moods kept changing now happy, now filled with despair. 她的情绪多变--时而高兴, 时而感到绝望. `now then
(a) => now, now.
(b) (used to introduce a statement that makes a suggestion or invites a response 用以引出要说的话, 以提出建议或徵询回应)
*Now then, why don't you volunteer? 那你为什么不自告奋勇呢?
* Now then, are there any comments on this report? 喂, 对这个报告有什么意见吗?
(c) (used to fill a pause when one is thinking what to do or say next 考虑下一步要做的事或要说的话时, 用以填补暂时的停顿)
*I must say I enjoyed that. Now then, what's next? 我的确很喜欢这个. 那么, 下一个呢? now for sb/sth (used when turning to a fresh task or subject 用以转折, 以提出新任务或新话题)
*Now for a spot of gardening. 现在来弄弄花草.
* And now for some travel news. 下面报告旅游新闻.

conj ~ (that)... because of the fact (that)... 由于...; 既然...
*Now (that) you mention it, I do remember the incident. 经你一提, 我想起那件事了.
* Now you've passed your test you can drive on your own. 你驾驶考试既已合格, 就可以独自开车了.