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n.护士,保姆 vt.护理,看护 v.照料


nurse为小学词汇   词频:4479


名词:nurser 动词过去式:nursed 过去分词:nursed 现在分词:nursing 第三人称单数:nurses

近义词, 同义词


care-for  feed  foster  mind  nourish  nurture  sustain  tend-to    


/nɜ:s; nɝs/
1 person, usu female, trained to help a doctor to look after the sick or injured 护士
*Red Cross nurses 红十字会护士
* Male nurses are often employed in hospitals for the mentally ill. 精神病院常雇用男护士护理精神病人.
* a psychiatric nurse, ie one who works in a mental hospital 精神病院的护士.
2 (also `nursemaid) woman or girl employed to look after babies or small children 保育员; 保姆; 照顾小孩的女用人. Cf 参看 nanny 1.
3 (also `wet nurse) woman employed to breast-feed a baby who is not her own 奶妈; 奶母.

/nɜ:s; nɝs/
1 [I, Tn] take care of (the sick or injured); look after (sb) 看护, 护理(病人或受伤者); 照顾(某人)
*My mother's been nursing for
40 years. 我母亲40年来一直做护理工作.
* She nurses her aged mother. 她照顾年迈的母亲.
2 [I, Tn] be breast-fed; breast-feed (sb) 以人乳哺养; 给(某人)喂奶, 哺乳
*The baby was nursing/being nursed at its mother's breast. 那个孩子正在吃母亲的奶.
3 [Tn] hold (sb/sth) carefully and lovingly (小心、疼爱地)抱, 持(某人[某物])
*nurse a child, puppy 疼爱地搂着小孩、小狗
* nurse a fragile vase in one's arms 小心地抱着易碎的花瓶.
4 (a) [Tn, Tn.p] give special care to (sth); help to develop 特别照料(某事物); 培养
*nurse young plants (along) 培育幼苗
* nurse a project 协助一计画
* nurse a constituency, ie visit it often, etc in order to gain or retain votes 笼络选区的选民(时常访问等以争取选票)
* nurse a cold, ie stay warm, stay in bed, etc in order to cure it quickly 调治伤风(保暖、卧床等以便早日痊愈).
(b) [Tn] think a lot about (sth); foster (sth) in the mind 思考(某事); 心存,心怀(某事)
*nurse feelings of revenge, hopes of promotion,etc 心存Š¥复、晋升的希望等
* nurse a grievance 心怀不满.
1. But Florence found parties boring; she wanted to be a nurse.

2. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was there, but he paid no attention to her and the night noises of the hospital — the banging of an oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff exchanging greetings, the cries and moans and breathing
    每次护士进来,海军陆战队队员都坐在那儿。可对于护士的进出、医院晚上的各种响动 , 氧气瓶的撞击声、值夜班的医生护士打招呼时的笑声、其他病人的哭喊、呻吟和呼吸声,他都视若不见、充耳不闻。

3. The nurse was very informative and told me everything about his case.
    这位护士提供了很多情况, 把有关他病情的一切都告诉了我。

4. The nurse was a kind but phlegmatic person.
    这位护士心地善良, 但却是个不易动感情的人。

5. The brain surgeon asked the nurse to pass him a probe.

6. The nurse felt the pulse in his wrist.

7. The nurse put a screen around his bed.

8. The nurse brought a chair, so the Marine could sit by the bed.

9. The Marine placed the lifeless hand he had been holding on the bed, and went to inform the nurse.

10. This principle works elsewhere as well. To enhance your creativity, learn something new. If you're a banker, take up tap dancing; if you're a nurse, try a course in vitamin therapy.
