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octa-=eight,eighth 变化型 octo-


/ɒk'təʊbə(r); ɑk`tobɚ/
n [U, C] (abbr 缩写 Oct) the tenth month of the year, next after September 十月. For the uses of October see the examples at April. 关于October 的用法见April词条中的示例.


n [U and C]written abbreviationOct.
[Date: 1000-1100; Language: Old French;Origin: Octobre, from Latin October, from octo 'eight'; because it was the eighth month of the ancient Roman year]
the tenth month of the year, between September and November
next/last October
 We moved in last October.
in October
 You're going to be busy in October.
on October 6th
 We begin on October 6th.
on 6th OctoberBrE
 They were arrested on 6th October.
October 6AmE
 The baby was baptized Monday, October 6.
1. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.

2. When it really opens, probably in October, the 31-mile Channel Tunnel (the Chunnel, for short) will be 15 months behind schedule and $7 billion over a budget set in 1987.

3. Also, the names of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth months, October, November, and December, come from the Latin for eighth, ninth and tenth.
    同样10月、11月和12月的名称October, November和December也来自拉丁语的第八、第九和第十。

4. September, October and November make the autumn season.

5. Christopher Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October, 1492.

6. (If each calendar year were to be several days shorter than the time it takes the earth to go round the sun, the coldest winter days would soon come round in the middle of October in some twenty years!)

7. On page three, 1 October 1767, was the ad of the agents of the ship, announcing the arrival of the Lord Ligonier under Captain Davies from the River Gambia, with a cargo of "fresh, choice, healthy slaves for sale, to be sold the following Wednesday a
    在第3页上,1767年10月1 日,记录着轮船代理人的广告,宣布来自冈比亚河由戴维斯船长率领的利戈尼尔勋爵号带来了一船“新鲜的、精选的、健壮的奴隶,将于下个星期三在梅格码头出售。”

8. It´s October 1 ( the first).It´s National Day.

9. It´s always warm in September and October.

10. In October, the two of them left Paris for Marseilles, to take a ship from there for Algiers, and then overland to Egypt.
