

美音:[ʌv ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ʌv ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


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/əv; əv strong form 强读式 ɒv; ɑv/
1 belonging to (sb/sth) 属于(某人[某事物]).
(a) (followed by a possess pron or by a n, usu with 's 後接物主代词或名词, 通常带's)
*a friend of mine 我的朋友
* an acquaintance of my wife's 我妻子认识的人
* that house of yours in the country 你在乡下的那所房子.
(b) (followed by a n referring to an inanimate object 後接表示无生命物体的名词)
*the handle of the umbrella 伞的把
* the lid of the box 箱子的盖.
(c) (after a n referring to sb's rights or duties 用于表示某人的权利或责任的名词之後)
*the role of the teacher 教师的职责
* the rights of man 人的权利
* the privileges of the elite 上层人物的特权
* the responsibilities of a nurse 护士的责任.
2 originating from (a background) or living in (a place) 出身于(某背景); 居住于(某地)
*a woman of royal descent 出身皇族的女子
* a man of humble origin 出身卑贱的男子
* the miners of Wales 威尔士的矿工
* the inhabitants of the area 该地区的居民.
3 created by (esp referring to sb's works as a whole) 由(某人)创作的(尤指其全部作品)
*the works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚的著作 (Cf 参看 Shakespeare's comedies)
* the paintings of Picasso 毕加索的画
* the poems of John Lennon 约翰·伦农的诗.
4 (a) concerning or depicting (sb/sth) 关于, 描绘(某人[某事物])
*stories of crime and adventure 犯罪与冒险的故事
* a photograph of my dog 我的狗的照片
* a picture of the Queen 女王的像
* a map of Ireland 爱尔兰的地图.
(b) about (sb/sth) 关于(某人[某事物])
*I've never heard of such places. 我从未听说过这些地方.
* He told us of his travels. 他给我们讲了他的旅行见闻.
5 (indicating the material used to make sth 表示制作某物的材料)
*a dress of silk 丝的连衣裙
* shirts made of cotton 棉布制的衬衫
* a house (built) of stone 石(筑的)房子. Cf 参看 from 8.
6 (used to show a special grammatical relationship 用以表示某种语法关系)
(a) (introducing the object of the action expressed by the preceding n 引入前一名词所示行为的客体)
*a lover of (ie sb who loves) classical music 爱好古典音乐的人
* fear of the dark 怕黑
* any hope of being elected 当选的希望
* the forging of a banknote 伪造钞票.
(b) (introducingthe subject of the action expressed by the preceding n 引入前一名词所示行为的主体)
*the support of the voters, ie the voters supporting sb 选民的支持
* the feelings of a rape victim towards her attacker 遭强奸的受害人对暴徒的愤怒
* the love of a mother for her child 母亲对其孩子的爱
* the beliefs of religious groups 宗教团体的信仰.
7 (a) (indicating what is measured, counted or contained 表示数量或内容)
*a pint of milk 一品脱奶 *
2 kilos of potatoes 2公斤土豆
* a sheet of paper 一张纸
* a loaf of bread 一个面包
* a box of matches 一盒火柴
* a bottle of lemonade 一瓶汽水
* a bag of groceries 一袋食品杂货.
(b) (showing the relationship between part and the whole of sth 表示某物的部分和整体的关系)
*a member of the football team 足球队一队员
* for six months of the year 全年的六个月.
(c) (used after some, many, a few, etc and between a numeral or superlative adj and a pron or det 用于some、many、a few等之後以及数词或最高级形容词与代词或限定词之间)
*some of his friends 他的一些朋友
* a few of my records 我的几张唱片
* not much of the food 不多的食物
* six of them 他们中的六个人
* five of the team 球队中的五个人
* the last of the girls 这些姑娘中的最後一人
* the most expensive of the presents 那些礼物中的最贵重者
* the richest of all her friends 她的朋友中最有钱的.
8 (a) (used in expressions showing distance in space or time 用于表示时空距离的词组中)
*a village
5 miles north of Leeds 利兹以北5英里的一个村庄
* within
100 yards of the station 该站100码以内
* Within a year of their divorce he had remarried. 他离婚不到一年就又结婚了.
* (US) a quarter of eleven, ie 10.45 am or pm 差一刻十一点.
(b) (used in dates 用于日期)
*the twenty-second of July 七月二十二日
* the first of May 五月一日.
9 so that sb no longer has or suffers from (sth) 因而某人不再有(某事物)
*rob sb of sth 抢某人的某物
* deprived of his mother's protection 被剥夺了母亲对他的保护
* relieved of responsibility 解除了责任
* cure sb of drug-addiction 医好某人的毒瘾.
10 (indicating a cause 表示原因)
*die of pneumonia 死于肺炎
* ashamed of one's behaviour 对自己的行为感到羞耻
* proud of being captain 因当队长而骄傲.
11 (introducing a phrase in apposition 引入同位语)
*the city of Dublin 都柏林市
* the issue of housing 住房问题
* on the subject of education 论教育
* at the age of
16 在16岁那年.
12 (introducing a phrase that describes a preceding n 引入名词的後置修饰语)
*a coat of many colours 一件彩色大衣 (Cf 参看 a multi-coloured coat)
* a girl of ten 10岁的女孩儿 (Cf 参看 a ten-year-old girl)
* a woman of genius 有天才的女子
* a child of strange appearance 外貌奇特的孩子
* an item of value 一件值钱的物品
* products of foreign origin 外国的产品.
13 (used between ns, the first describing the second 用于两名词之间, 前者修饰後者)
*He's got the devil of a temper. 他脾气极坏.
* Where's that fool of a receptionist? 那个笨蛋接待员在什么地方?
* He's a fine figure of a man. 他是个体型好看的男子.
14 in relation to (sth); concerning (sth) 涉及, 有关(某事物)
*the result of the debate 辩论的结果
* the time of departure 起程的时刻
* the topic of conversation 谈话的题目
* a dictionary of English 英语词典
* the Professor of Mathematics 数学教授
* his chance of winning 他赢的机会
* sure of one's facts 确信自己的论据.
15 chosen from (others of a kind); contrasted with 从(同类中)择出; 与...成对照
*I'm surprised that you of all people think that. 我奇怪, 在所有人当中只有你想着那件事.
* A flat tyre today of all days what bad luck! 偏偏今天车胎瘪了--真倒霉!
16 (used to show who is being described by It is/was + adj 用在it is/was +形容词的句型里, 表示描述的对象)
*It was kind of you to offer. 谢谢你的好意.
* It's wrong of your boss to suggest it. 你们老板那样提是不对的.
17 (dated 旧) frequently happening at (a specified time) 经常在(某时刻)发生
*They used to visit me of a Sunday, ie on Sundays. 从前他们每星期日都来看我.
* Often, of an evening (ie in the evening), we'd hear the sirens. 我们常常在傍晚听到警报声.


[Language: Old English;]
used to show what a part belongs to or comes from
 the back of the house
 the last scene of the movie
 the end of the day
used to show who something or someone belongs to or has a connection with
 a friend of Mark's
 Avocado salad is a favourite of mine.
 Product inspection is the responsibility of the employees themselves.
used when talking about a feature or quality that something has
 the cost of the meal
 the beauty of the scenery
 the length of the swimming-pool
used to show what group one or more things or people belong to
 some of the students
 'Sunflowers' is one of his best-known paintings.
 Two of the guests are vegetarian.
 a member of the baseball team
used to show what type of substance or thing you are referring to, when talking about an amount
 two kilos of sugar
 millions of dollars
 a bar of chocolate
used to say what something contains
 a cup of coffee
 several packets of cigarettes
 truckloads of refugees
used to say what type of things or people are in a group
 a herd of elephants
 his circle of friends
 a bunch of bananas
a) used to state specifically which thing of the general type mentioned you are referring to
 the city of New York
 the art of painting
 the problem of unemployment
b) used to state specifically what a particular number, amount, age etc is
 at the age of 52
 an increase of 3%
used to talk about things produced by a famous or skilled writer, artist etc
 the plays of Shakespeare
 the paintings of Picasso
 the work of a great architect
used to say what a story, some news etc is about, or what a picture, map etc shows
 a story of love and loss
 news of his arrest
 a photo of Elizabeth
 a map of Indonesia
a) used after nouns that refer to actions, or to people who do something, in order to show who or what the action is done to
 the cancellation of the meeting
 the killing of innocent children
 supporters of the project
b) used after nouns that refer to actions in order to show who or what does the action
 the ringing of the phone
 the arrival of a visitor
used after some adjectives that describe feelings, to show who or what the feeling is directed towards
 He's always been frightened of spiders.
 Most children want their parents to feel proud of them.
used when referring to the day, moment etc when something happened
 the day of the accident
 the week of the festival
 I was at home at the time of the murder.
used to say where something is in relation to a place or thing
north/south etc of sth
 a historic seaside town 99 km south of London
to the left/right of sth
 To the left of the sofa is a table.
 I live within a mile of here.
used to describe a person or thing by saying what their main qualities or features are
 Albright was seen as a woman of great determination.
 It's an area of considerable historical interest.
used to say what someone's age is
 He has two children, a boy of twelve and a girl of fifteen.
it is kind/stupid/careless etc of sb (to do sth)
used to say that someone's action shows a particular quality
 It was kind of you to remember my birthday.
used to say where someone comes from
 the people of China
 Jesus of Nazareth
used to show the country, organization, or group in which someone has a particular position
 King Philip II of Spain
 the secretary of the tennis club
used in dates before the name of the month
 the 27th of July
used to say when something happened
 the presidential election of 1825
 one of the biggest upsets of recent years
AmE spoken used in giving the time, to mean 'before'
British Equivalent: to
 It's a quarter of seven (=6.45) .
used to show the cause of someone's death
 He died of cancer.
literary used to say what material has been used to make something
 a dress of pure silk
of an evening/of a weekend etc
BrE in the evenings, at weekends etc
 We often used to walk by the river of an evening.
To refer to someone or something that belongs to or is connected with someone, it is usual to use -'s or -s' (NOT of) with short noun phrases : Dad's car (NOT the car of Dad) | a child's bike (NOT the bike of a child) | my sister's boyfriend (NOT the boyfriend of my sister) | the miners' strike (NOT the strike of the miners)
When referring to one of several people or things belonging to or connected with someone, or when using 'this' or 'that', use of + mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs : a friend of mine (NOT a friend of me) | a relation of ours (NOT a relation of us) |that car of yours (NOT that car of you)
To talk about the person who sang, wrote, painted, or composed a particular work, use by not of : a song by Mariah Carey (NOT of Mariah Carey)