

美音:[ɔf ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ɔf ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.远的,空闲的,不工作的 adv.离开,在远方,离去,分离,中断,完成 prep.从...离开,脱离


off为中学词汇   词频:425


动词过去式:offed 过去分词:offed 现在分词:offing 第三人称单数:offs




/ɒf; [US] ɔ:f; ɔf/
1 [attrib 作定语] = off-side2.
2 [pred 作表语] ~ (with sb) (esp after rather, very, slightly, etc 尤用于rather、very、slightly等之後); (infml 口) impolite or unfriendly (towards sb) (对某人)不礼貌, 不友好
*She sounded rather off on the phone. 她在电话中说话不太客气.
* He was a bit off with me this morning. 他今天早晨对我有些冷淡.
3 [pred 作表语] (of food) no longer fresh (指食物)不新鲜
*This fish has gone/is off, ie can no longer be eaten. 这条鱼已经不新鲜了.
* The milk smells/tastes decidedly off. 牛奶闻起来[尝起来]完全变味了.

/ɒf; [US] ɔ:f; ɔf/ adv part (For special uses with many vs, eg go off, turn sth off, clear off, see the v entries. 可与许多动词连用, 如go off、turn sth off、clear off, 其释义见各动词词条. )
1 (a) at or to a point distant in space; away 距, 离, 到(远至某处); 离开
*The town is still five miles off. 那小城尚在五英里以外.
* We are some way off, eg our destination. 我们有一段距离(如距目的地).
* He ran off with the money. 他携款潜逃了.
* Be off/Off with you! ie Go away! 走开[滚开]!
(b) at a point distant in time; away 距, 离, 到(远至某时); 离开
*The holidays are not so far off. 假期已经不那么远了.
2 (indicating removal or separation, esp from the human body 表示除掉或分离(尤指离开身体))
*He's had his beard shaved off. 他把胡子剃掉了.
* What beautiful curls -- why do you want to have them (cut) off? 你那鬈发多漂亮啊--为什么要剪掉呢?
* take one's hat, coat, tie, etc off 摘帽、脱大衣、解领带 (Cf 参看 have (got) one's hat, coat, tie, etc on)
* Don't leave the toothpaste with the top off. 牙膏用後别忘了盖上盖. Cf 参看 on1 3.
3 starting a journey or race 出发; 起跑
*She's off to London tomorrow. 她明天出发上伦敦.
* I must be off soon. 我很快就得走了.
* We're off/Off we go! 我们出发喽!
* They're off, ie The race has begun. 他们已经起跑了.
4 (infml 口) (of sth arranged or planned) not going to happen; cancelled (指已安排或计画的事)不发生, 取消
*The wedding/engagement is off. 婚礼[婚约]取消了.
* The miner's strike is off. 矿工的罢工取消了. Cf 参看 on1 8.
5 (a) disconnected at the mains; not being supplied (自供应的来源处)断开, 不供应
*The water/ gas/ electricity is off. 水[煤气/电]停了.
(b) (of appliances) not being used (指电器)关掉, 不用
*The TV, radio, light, etc is off. 电视、收音机、电灯等已关掉.
* Make sure the central heating is off. 集中供暖设备一定要关掉. Cf 参看 on1 4.
(c) (of an item on a menu) no longer available or being served (指菜谱上某菜肴)不再供应
*The steak pie is off today. 今日牛肉饼停止供应.
* Soup's off -- we've only got fruit juice. 汤已售完--现只供应果汁.
6 away from work or duty 不工作; 不上班; 不值班
*I think I'll take the afternoon off, ie not do my usual work, etc. 我想下午歇班.
* She's off today. 她今天休息.
* The manager gave the staff the day off. 经理放员工一天假.
* I've got three days off next week. 下星期我有三天假.
7 reduced in price; cheaper 减价; 削价; 折扣
*All shirts have 10% off. 衬衫一律九折.
* Shoes are on sale with £5 off. 各类鞋减价5英镑出售.
* buy a calendar at 50% off 以半价买一日历.
8 (in the theatre) behind or at the sides of the stage; not on the stage (剧院中)在台後或台侧, 不在台上
*noises/voices off 幕後发出嘈杂声[人声].
9 (idm 习语) be off for sth (infml 口) have supplies of sth 有需要的某物
*How are you off for cash? ie How much have you got? 你有多少现款? Cf 参看 well off (well3), badly off (bad1). ,off and `on/,on and `off from time to time; now and again 断断续续地; 不时
*It rained on and off all day. 整天断断续续地下着雨.

n [sing]
1 the off start of a race 起跑
*They're ready for the off. 他们已准备好起跑.
2 the off (in cricket) that half of the field towards which a batsman is facing when waiting to receive a ball (板球)击球员面对着的半边场地
*play the ball to the off 击球员把球击到他面对着的半边场地
* [attrib 作定语] the off stump, ie the stump on this side 三柱门中在此场地的一柱. Cf 参看 leg.

/ɒf; [US] ɔ:f; ɔf/ prep (For special uses with many vs, eg get off sth, take (sth) off sth, see the v entries. 可与许多动词连用, 如get off sth、take (sth) off sth, 其释义见各动词词条. )
1 down or away from (a position on sth) 从(某物的位置)上落下或离开
*fall off a ladder, tree, horse, wall 从梯子上、树上、马上、墙上跌下
* The rain ran off the roof. 雨水自屋顶流下.
* The ball rolled off the table. 球自桌上滚落.
* Keep off the grass. 勿践踏草地.
* Cut another slice off the loaf. 再切下一片面包.
* Take a packet off the shelf. 从架子上取下一包.
* They were only
100 metres off the summit when the accident happened. 事故发生时他们离峰顶只有100米远.
* (fig 比喻) We're getting right off the subject. 我们正在偏离主题.
* Scientists are still a long way off (finding) a cure. 科学家还远未找到解决办法.
2 (esp of a road or street) accessible from (sth) (尤指道路)可由(某处)进入的
*a narrow lane off the main road 可由公路进入的乡间小路
* another bathroom off the main bedroom 可从大卧室进入的另一浴室.
3 at some distance from (sth) 距(某处)某距离
*a big house off the high street 离大街不远的一所大房子
* an island off the coast of Cornwall 康沃尔海岸附近的一个岛
* The ship sank off Cape Horn. 轮船在合恩角外沉没了.
4 (infml 口) not wishing or needing to take (sth) 不想用, 不需要(某事物)
*I was off (ie did not enjoy eating) my food for a week. 我已经有一个星期不想吃东西了.
* He's finally off (ie is no longer addicted to) drugs. 他终于戒了毒了.


George M. Averoff (August 15, 1815, Metsovo – July 15, 1899, al-Raml/Ramleh, Alexandria), alternately Georgios Averof (in Greek: Γεώργιος Αβέρωφ), was a Greek businessman and philanthropist of Aromanian origin.