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1. Eric had been the eldest son of the family, very much older than his two brothers.

2. Even trees live longer than people, and the Earth itself is far older.

3. We are so familiar with the fact that man ages, that people have for years assumed that the process of losing vigour with time, of becoming more likely to die the older we get, was something self-evident,

4. There are large advertisement signs directed at them both: the tough, confident or fashionable older man, the beautiful, "worldly" young woman, both dragging away.
    到处都有针对他们这两类人的巨大广告牌:强壮、自信或时髦、年龄较大的男人, 以及漂亮、"世故"的年青女人,都在吞云吐雾。

5. They were in the same grade, even though Autumn was a year older.

6. Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though I still don't know precisely what a "good heart" is.

7. Not just my age, but life itself was telling me that I was becoming an older/old woman!

8. He looks older by comparison.

9. Home schooling could change children's relations with their peers and older people because of long periods spent with their parents.

10. Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggest that regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information.
