

美音:[´əunlı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´əunlı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.唯一的,单独的,最好的,最合适的 adv.仅仅,只不过 conj.但是,可是


only为小学词汇   词频:313

近义词, 同义词


just  merely  simply    


/'əʊnlɪ; `onlɪ/
adj [attrib 作定语]
1 with no other(s) of the same group, style, etc existing or present; sole 唯一的; 仅有的
*She was the only person able to do it. 她是唯一能做那事的人.
* His only answer was a grunt. 他只咕哝了一声算是回答了.
* This is the only painting in this style that we have. 这种风格的画我们仅有这一幅.
* We were the only people there. 只有我们在那里.
2 (infml 口) most worth considering; best 最值得考虑的; 最好的
*She's the only woman for the job. 她是最适合做这一工作的人.
* She says Italy is the only place to go for a holiday. 她说意大利是度假的最佳去处.
3 (idm 习语) one and only => one1. an only `child child having no brothers or sisters 独生子女
*My mother was an only child. 我母亲是独生女.
* Only children are sometimes spoilt. 独生子女有时被宠坏了.

/'əʊnlɪ; `onlɪ/
1 (modifies a word or phrase and is placed close to it in written or formal spoken style; in informal speech, stress may show which word, etc is modified, so that only may have various positions 可修饰一词或词组, 在书面语或正式演说体中only的位置应接近所修饰的词语; 在口语中因可用重音表明所修饰的词语, 故only的位置不拘) and no one or nothing else; solely 只; 仅; 仅仅
*I only saw `Mary, ie I saw Mary and no one else. 我只看见玛丽了(没看见其他人).
* (fml 文) I saw only Mary. 我仅见到玛丽.
* I only `saw Mary, ie I saw her but I didn't speak to her. 我只是看见玛丽了(但没有跟她说话).
* Only `members may use the bar. 只有会员才可使用这酒吧.
* Only `five people were hurt in the accident; the rest were uninjured. 事故中仅五人受伤, 其余皆无恙.
* He only lives just round the `corner. 他就住在附近.
* We only waited a few `minutes but it seemed like hours. 我们只等了几分钟, 但觉得像几小时.
* Women only, eg on a sign or poster 女子专用
* We can only guess (ie We cannot be certain about) what happened. 我们只能猜测发生了什么事.
2 (idm 习语) for X's eyes only => eye1. if only => if. not only...but also both...and 不但...而且...
*He not only read the book, but also remembered what he read. 他不仅读过这本书, 还记得内容. only have eyes for sb/have eyes only for sb => eye. only `just
(a) not long ago/before 刚刚
*We've only just arrived. 我们刚到.
* I've only just moved to London. 我刚刚搬到伦敦.
(b) almost not; scarcely 差一点没; 几乎不
*He only just caught the train. 他差点没赶上火车.
* I've enough milk for the coffee but only just. 我的牛奶够喝咖啡用的--刚刚够. only to do sth (used to indicate sth that happens immediately afterwards, esp sth that causes surprise, disappointment, relief, etc 用以指随即发生的事, 尤指使人惊讶、失望、放心等的事) 反而; 却
*I arrived at the shop only to find I'd left all my money at home. 我到商店却发现钱全落在家了. only too (with an adj or pp 与形容词或过去分词连用) very 很; 非常; 十分
*I shall be only too pleased to get home. 我要回到家里就非常高兴.
* That's only too true, I'm afraid, ie really true, and not untrue as the speaker might have hoped or wanted. 我看这是真事(说话者但愿并非真事). you're only young `once (saying 谚) let young people have what enjoyment and freedom they can get, because they will have to work and worry later in their lives 青春只一度
*Enjoy the disco you're only young once. 尽情跳起迪斯科--须知青春只一度.

/'əʊnlɪ; `onlɪ/
conj (infml 口)
(a) except that; but 只是; 但是; 可是
*I'd love to come, only I have to work. 我倒是很愿意来, 但是我还得工作呢.
* This book's very good, only it's rather expensive. 这书很好, 只是太贵了点.
* He's always making promises, only he never keeps them. 他总是许愿, 不过从不兑现.
(b) were it not for the fact that 要不然; 要不是
*He would probably do well in the examination only he gets very nervous. 他要不是考试很紧张, 成绩可能不错.