

美音:[´ɔpəzət ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ɔpəzət ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.相对的,对面的,对立的,相反的,对等的,对应的 n.相反的事物


opposite为中学词汇   词频:5550


名词:oppositeness 副词:oppositely


pos=to place,to put(置,放)

近义词, 同义词




/'ɒpəzɪt; `ɑpəzɪt/
1 [usu attrib 通常作定语] ~ (to sb/sth) having a position on the other side (of sb/sth); facing 另一侧的; 相对着的
*on the opposite page 对面一页上
* In England you must drive on the opposite side of the road to the rest of Europe. 在英国路上开车, 要与欧洲其他国家方向相反.
* John and Mary sat at opposite ends of the table (to each other). 约翰和玛丽(面对面地)坐在桌子两端.
* This is Number 6, so Number
13 must be on the opposite side of the street. 这是6号, 那么13号一定在街的对面.
2 (used after the n 用于名词之後) facing the speaker or a specified person or thing 面对着的; 对面的
*I asked the man opposite if he would open the door. 我问对面的人他愿意不愿意开门.
* I could see smoke coming out of the windows of the house opposite. 我可以看见有烟从对面房子的窗户冒出来.
* Can you see where the grammar books are? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite. 你看见语法书在哪儿呢吗? 词典都在正对着的书架上.
3 [attrib 作定语] entirely different; contrary 完全不同的; 相反的
*travelling in opposite directions 朝相反的方向行进
* contact with the opposite sex, ie of men with women or women with men 与异性接触
* The opposite approach is to use a bilingual dictionary. 另一种方法截然不同就是使用双语词典.

*There's a couple with a dog who live opposite. 对面住着一对夫妇养着一条狗.
* The woman sitting opposite is a detective. 坐在对面的那个女子是侦探.

prep ~ (to) sb/sth
1 on the other side of a specific area from (sb/sth); facing (sb/sth) 在(某人[某物])另侧; 面对(某人[某物])
*I sat opposite to him during the meal. 吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面.
* The bank is opposite the supermarket. 银行在超级市场对面.
* Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door. 把衣柜放在对着门的那个角落里.
2 (of actors) taking a part in a play, film, etc as the partner of (sb) (指演员)与(某人)配戏, 合演
*She had always dreamed of appearingopposite Olivier. 她一直梦想着能与奥利维尔配戏.

n ~ (of sth) word or thing that is as different as possible (from sth) 反义词; 对立的事物
*Hot and cold are opposites. 热和冷是一对反义词.
* Light is the opposite of heavy. 轻是重的反义词.
* I thought she would be small and pretty but she's completely the opposite. 我以为她娇小而漂亮, 结果完全相反.
1. Every child that is born into his group will share them with him, and no child born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part.

2. EQ is not the opposite of IQ.

3. Their opinion is entirely opposite to ours.

4. They were walking in opposite ways.

5. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.

6. This is true when meeting members of the same or opposite sex — and not just in work, but in social situations, too.

7. Alan Sussman, a second-year student, says, “I think they must have known each of our personalities and picked the opposite,” he recalls.

8. Suddenly, a middle-aged lady came into our compartment and sat opposite Sally.
    突然, 一个中年妇女走进我们的小间, 坐在莎利对面.

9. Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.

10. Six times she tried to reach the opposite wall to fix her thread, and six times she failed.
