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ourselves为中学词汇   词频:1998


/ɑ:'selvz, aʊə'selvz; ɑr`sɛlvz, ɑur`sɛlvz/ reflex, emph pron 反身、强调代词 (only taking the main stress in sentences when used emphatically 只在强调时重读)
1 (reflex 反身) (used when I and another or others, or I and you, cause and are affected by an action 用于复数第一人称施动而自身受该行动触及时)
*We try and ,keep ourselves in`formed about current trends. 我们设法随时了解形势的发展.
* Let's `sign our`selves `Your affectionate students'. 咱们签上`爱戴您的学生'吧.
* We'd like to see it for ourselves. 我们想亲眼看看.
2 (emph 强调) (used to emphasize we or us 用以强调we或us)
*We've often thought of going there our`selves. 我们常想亲自到那里去.
3 (idm 习语) by our`selves
(a) alone 我们单独地.
(b) without help 靠我们自己; 我们独自地.


used by the person speaking to show that they and one or more other people are affected by their own action
 We prepared ourselves for the long journey ahead.
 It was strange seeing ourselves on television.
a) used to emphasize 'we' or 'us'
 We built the house ourselves.
 As parents ourselves, we understand the problem
b) used after 'as', 'like', or 'except' instead of 'us'
 More help is needed for people like ourselves.
(all) by ourselves
a) alone
 We weren't supposed to play by ourselves near the pond.
b) without help from anyone else
 I knew that Tim and I wouldn't be able to do the whole job by ourselves.
(all) to ourselves
without having to share something with any other people
 We had the house to ourselves.