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/'əʊvəlɔ:d; `ovɚ,lɔrd/
n (formerly) nobleman on whose land people of lower rank worked (旧时的)领主, 大地主
*a feudal overlord 封建领主
* The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord. 农民要俯首贴耳为地主效劳.


someone with great power over a large number of people, especially in the past
1. When Churchill completed his argument, Stalin leaned forward and said he wanted to ask an indiscreet question: "Do the British really believe in Overlord, or are you only saying so to reassure the Russians?"

2. With the Overlord dispute settled, Churchill attempted to draw Stalin out on the Far East, but the Russian was reluctant.

3. The debate was over whether to go ahead with Overlord in the spring of 1944, as the Russians and Americans favoured, or possibly to postpone the invasion for the sake of operations in the Mediterranean, as the British proposed.

4. He said the British government was anxious to begin Overlord as soon as possible but did not want to neglect the great possibilities in the Mediterranean merely for avoiding a delay of a month or two.

5. At a meeting of the military chiefs a few hours earlier, the British, at first hesitant, were raising additional objections to fixing the date for the invasion of northern France, known by the code name Overlord.

6. Stalin pressed for a decision to launch Overlord in May, saying, "I don´t care if it is the lst, 15th,or 20th, but a definite date is important."
