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v.包装 n.包装




/'pækɪŋ; `pækɪŋ/
n [U]
1 process of packing goods (货物)包装, 包装法.
2 material used for packing (esp fragile objects) 包装材料; (尤指)包装易碎物品的材料
*pay extra for postage and packing, ie when ordering goods by post 另付邮费和包装费.


when you put things into cases or boxes so that you can send or take them somewhere
 I can do my packing the night before we leave.
the material used for packing things so that they can be sent somewhere
 Use plenty of packing.
see usage notepackage1
1. We are packing our suitcases.

2. We are packing our suitcases.

3. We´re packing our suitcases.

4. The morning passed rapidly and Frank was about to leave when he noticed a large packing case lying on the floor.

5. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey----still in perfect condition.
    想一想他们所感受到的惊奇和兴奋 -- 当他们拆开包装箱时,他们发现第4台发动机就像蜂蜜一样甜 -- 发动机完好无损。

6. Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box and suddenly noticed a miniature painting at the bottom of the packing case.
