
page width



page width为短语/超纲词汇
1. Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width.

2. Being laid off from work, job loss and recession (衰退) have always affected Walter Cronkite's tone of voice and the editor's page.

3. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.

4. Wireless demand and usage have also exploded across the entire width and breadth of Latin America.

5. The debutante´s photograph was at the head of the society page.

6. There are 58 lines on this page.

7. Turn to page two.

8. The width of the room is 4 metres.

9. The husband worked in the evenings, and often far into the night, copying manuscripts at five sous a page.

10. Three pairs of eyes stared at me across the width of the table. I sighed.
