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panic为中学词汇   词频:3813


形容词:panicky 动词过去式:panicked 过去分词:panicked 现在分词:panicking 第三人称单数:panics


alarm  awe  dread  fear  fright  phobia  scare  terror    


/'pænɪk; `pænɪk/
n [C, U]
1 (a) sudden irrational feeling of great fear 恐慌; 惊惶
*be in a (state of) panic (about sth) (对某事)惊惶失措
* I got into a panic when I found the door was locked. 我发觉门锁上了, 十分惊慌.
* The thought of flying fills me with panic. 我一想到飞行便吓得战战兢兢.
* [attrib 作定语] a panic decision, ie one resulting from panic 慌乱中作出的决定.
(b) fear that spreads quickly through a group of people (迅速传开的)大恐慌
*There was (an) immediate panic when the alarm sounded. 警报响起时立刻引起一片恐慌.
* The collapse of the bank caused
(a) panic on the Stock Exchange, ie the value of shares fell quickly. 那银行倒闭, 证券市场上惶恐万状.
2 (idm 习语) `panic stations (infml 口) state of alarm or panic 惶惶不安; 惊慌
*It was panic stations when the police arrived to search the building. 警方来搜查大楼时, 大家都很惊慌.

v (-ck-) [I, Tn]
1 (cause a person or an animal to) be affected with panic (使人或动物)受惊
*Don't panic! 别慌!
* The gunfire panicked the horses. 枪声惊吓了马.
2 (phr v) panic sb into doing sth (often passive 常用于被动语态) make sb do (sth unwise or hasty) because of panic 使某人(因惊惶)仓促做(蠢事)
*The banks were panicked into selling sterling. 银行因恐慌而抛售英国货币.
1. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.

2. He remained imperturbable in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him.
    尽管他周围的人歇斯底里地惊慌失措, 但他仍保持冷静。

3. She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car.

4. She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car.

5. Until we appreciate the true value of age, it is difficult to do anything but panic when the signs of it emerge.

6. Last week's news that scientists had cloned a sheep sent academics and the public into a panic at the prospect that humans might be next.
