
per capita



per capita为短语/超纲词汇

per capita

/pə 'kæpɪtə; pɚ`kæpɪtə/
adv, adj [attrib 作定语] for each person 每人(的) 人均(的)
*Per capita incomes rose sharply last year. 去岁人均收入剧增.

/pə 'kæpɪtə; pɚ`kæpɪtə/
adv, adj [attrib 作定语] for each person 每人(的); 人均(的)
*Per capita incomes rose sharply last year. 去岁人均收入剧增.

per capita

adj, adv formal
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin;Origin:'by heads']
used to describe the average amount of something in a particular place, calculated according to the number of people who live there
 the country's per capita income
 the number of crimes that occur per capita