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1. When personalities don't mix, the excitement of being away at college can quickly grow stale.

2. While this eliminates risk and helps to insure that the man and woman will be similar in background and outlook, the theory is that the personalities of the couple provide enough differences to make the relationship interesting.

3. They both have good personalities.

4. All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea, but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities, many of whom experienced it in an intensified form and have written it down in their life stories and letters.

5. Alan Sussman, a second-year student, says, “I think they must have known each of our personalities and picked the opposite,” he recalls.

6. Parents could clone a second child who resembled their first in appearance, but all the evidence suggests the two would have very different personalities.

7. I had their personalities confused because of their names!"

8. I sympathize with the moving company: "Look," I say, "these things happen. Trucks break. Refrigerators fall down stairs. Workers develop several personalities."
