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personally为高中词汇   词频:2932


/-ənəlɪ; -nlɪ/
1 not represented by another; in person 亲身; 亲自
*She presented the prizes personally. 她亲自颁奖.
* The plans were personally inspected by the minister. 这计画经部长亲自审阅过.
2 as a person 作为个人; 就个人而论
*I don't know him personally, but I've read his books. 我对他个人并不了解, 但我看过他的书.
3 (often at the beginning of a statement, followed by a comma 常用于一句话的开始, 後有逗号) as far as I am concerned; for myself 就我来说; 就自己而言
*Personally, I don't like him at all. 就我而言, 我一点都不喜欢他.
* Personally speaking/Speakingpersonally, I'm in favour of the scheme. 就本人而言, 我赞成这个计画. =>Usage at hopeful 用法见hopeful.
4 (idm 习语) take sth `personally be offended by sth为某事所触怒
*I'm afraid he took your remarks personally.我看他对你的话很不高兴.


[sentence adverb]spoken
used to emphasize that you are only giving your own opinion about something
 Personally, I don't think much of the idea.
 I personally think it's too cold to go out.
if you do something personally, you do it yourself rather than getting someone else to do it
= in person
 The managing director wrote personally to thank me.
 All important work is personally approved by him.
 I'll see to it personally.
used to show that one particular person is involved, rather than a group of people
 I'm holding you personally responsible for this mess!
 She clearly blamed me personally for the difficulties she'd been having.
take sth personally
to get upset by the things other people say or do, because you think that their remarks or behaviour are directed at you in particular
 Don't take it personally; she's rude to everyone.
as a friend, or as someone you have met
 I don't know her personally , but I like her work.
in a way that criticizes someone's character or appearance
 Members of the Senate rarely attack each other personally.
in relation to someone's private life, rather than to their work, business, or official duties
 She had a lasting impact on his life both personally and professionally.
1. The instructor may have to communicate with students personally to offer help and remind them of the need to keep up.

2. Don’t take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else “wasting” it beyond a certain appropriate point.

3. Personally, my recommendation would be the last choice.

4. Jane: Personally,I prefer hot and spicy foods,but I realize my tastes are not the same as everyone else´s.
    珍妮:就个人来说, 我比较喜欢味辣而芳香的食物, 但是我了解我的口味并不和其他的每个人一样.

5. Gail's father, David, whom I had not yet met personally, approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude.

6. 11 a.m. The moving company still hasn't arrived. I call Julie. She promises to have the president of the company, Max, personally call me in 10 minutes.
