

美音:[pəs´weıd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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persuade为中学词汇   词频:1864


名词:persuader 动词过去式:persuaded 过去分词:persuaded 现在分词:persuading 第三人称单数:persuades 形容词:persuadable


suade=to advise(劝告)

近义词, 同义词



/pə'sweɪd; pɚ`swed/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t] ~ sb (into/out of sth) cause sb to do sth by arguing or reasoning with him 说服或劝说某人做某事
*You try and persuade her (to come out with us). 你去试试劝她(跟我们一起出去)吧.
* He is easily persuaded. 他这人好说话.
* How can we persuade him into joining us? 怎么才能说服他参加我们的活动呢?
* He persuaded his daughter to change her mind. 他说服女儿改变主意.
2 [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态, Tn.pr esp passive 尤用于被动语态, Dn.f] ~ sb (of sth) (fml 文) cause sb to believe sth; convince sb 使某人相信某事物; 使某人信服
*I am not fully persuaded by the evidence. 这证据不足以使我充分信服.
* We are persuaded of the justice of her case. 我们确信对她案件的审理是公正的.
* How can I persuade you that I am sincere? 怎样才能使你相信我是真心实意的呢?


v [T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin;Origin: persuadere, from suadere 'to advise']
to make someone decide to do something, especially by giving them reasons why they should do it, or asking them many times to do it
persuade sb to do sth
 I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me.
persuade sb into doing sth
 Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don't want.
try/manage/fail to persuade sb
 I'm trying to persuade your dad to buy some shares.
attempt/effort to persuade sb
 Leo wouldn't agree, despite our efforts to persuade him.
little/a lot of/no persuading
 He took a lot of persuading to come out of retirement (=it was hard to persuade him) .
 He was fairly easily persuaded .
to make someone believe something or feel sure about something
= convince
 I am not persuaded by these arguments.
persuade sb (that)
 She'll only take me back if I can persuade her that I've changed.
persuade sb of sth
 McFadden must persuade the jury of her innocence.
1. In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product,

2. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.
