

美音:[freız ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[freız ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.短语,习语,惯用语,成语,措词 vt.用短语表达


phrase为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2169


动词过去式:phrased 过去分词:phrased 现在分词:phrasing 第三人称单数:phrases 副词:phrasally 形容词:phrasal

近义词, 同义词


clause  part  passage  section    


/freɪz; frez/
1 [C]
(a) (grammar) group of words without a verb, esp one that forms part of a sentence 词组; 短语; 片语
*`The green car' and `at half past four' are phrases. the green car(绿色的汽车)和at half past four(在四点半)都是词组.
(b) group of words forming a short expression, esp an idiom or a clever, striking way of saying sth 固定词组; (尤指)习语, 成语, 警语, 隽语
*an apt, a memorable, a well-chosen, etc phrase 恰当的、值得记住的、选用得切当的...习语
* That's exactly the phrase I was looking for myself. 这就是我一直找的那个成语.
2 [U] way of expressing oneself; style 个人的表达方式; 风格
*the poet's beauty of phrase 该诗人表达风格之美.
3 [C] (music 音) short distinct passage forming part of a longer passage 乐句; 分句.
4 (idm 习语) to coin a phrase => coin v. turn a `phrase express oneself in an amusing and witty way 诙谐地表达; 作妙语. a turn of `phrase way of expressing or describing sth 表达方式; 措词
*an interesting, unusual, unpleasant, etc turn of phrase 有趣的、不寻常的、令人不快的...措词.

v [Tn]
1 express (sth) in words (in the specified way) (以某种方式)措词表达(某事)
*phrase one's criticism very carefully 对批评用语字斟句酌
* How shall I phrase it? 我用什么词语表达呢?
* an elegantly phrased compliment 措词优雅的赞语.
2 divide (music) into phrases, esp in performance 将(乐曲)分成乐句(尤指演奏时). phrasing n [U]
1 (music 音) action or manner of dividing a line into phrases, in composing or performing 乐句划分; 分句法
*The singer was criticized for her poor phrasing. 她演唱歌曲时乐句划分失当受到批评.
2 = phraseology a.
1. When we use a phrase like ´it serves him right´,

2. That´s his favorite phrase.

3. Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrase-book.

4. The phrase "emotional intelligence" was coined by researchers five years ago to describe qualities like understanding one's own feelings, sympathy for the feelings of others and "the regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living&

5. He opened the book and found a phrase.

6. He read the phrase slowly.

7. Don´t stop every time you come to a word or phrase you don´t know. Read the whole chapter quickly.

8. A third, a keen viewer of TV theatre, recognized a phrase in the poem which had been used as the title of a recent play.

9. Judith Martin, in her writings under the name of "Miss Manners", suggests the phrase, "Most honored sir or madam".
    朱迪斯·马丁在用笔名"礼仪小姐" 撰写的著作里建议这样称呼:"尊敬的先生/夫人"。

10. Remember the phrase "reduce, reuse and recycle"?
