

美音:[´pık´nık ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.野餐 vi.(去)野餐




形容词:picnicky 名词:picnicker 动词过去式:picnicked 过去分词:picnicked 现在分词:picnicking 第三人称单数:picnics


feast  festivity  outing    


/'pɪknɪk; `pɪknɪk/
1 (a) (esp Brit) meal eaten out of doors, esp as part of a pleasure trip 野餐(尤指旅游中的)
*We'll go to the river and take a picnic with us. 我们要到河边玩耍并带着野餐.
* [attrib 作定语] a picnic table, hamper, lunch 野餐桌、食篮、盒饭.
(b) pleasure trip that includes a picnic 带有野餐的旅游
*It's a nice day let's go for a picnic. 天气真好--咱们去野餐游玩吧.
2 (idm 习语) be no `picnic (infml 口) be difficult or troublesome 有困难或麻烦
*Bringing up a family when you are unemployed is no picnic. 失了业又要养家, 这可不是玩儿的.

v (-ck-) [I, Ipr] take part in or have a picnic 参加野餐; 去野餐
*They were picnicking in the woods. 他们正在林子里野餐. picnicker n person who picnics 野餐者
*Picnickers are requested not to leave litter behind, eg on a notice. 野餐者不得随地丢弃垃圾(如告示牌上所示者).
1. To our great disappointment, it rained on the day of the picnic.

2. They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag.

3. ´This is a wonderful place for a picnic,´ said Gloria Gleam.

4. Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field, we opened a couple of tins of sardines and had a picnic lunch.

5. I´ll provide food for the picnic.

6. When we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch.
