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n.猪,猪肉,贪婪的人 v.生小猪,贪婪地吃


pig为小学词汇   词频:3328


动词过去式:pigged 过去分词:pigged 现在分词:pigging 第三人称单数:pigs


/pɪg; pɪˇ/
1 (a) [C] domestic or wild animal with short legs, cloven hooves and a broad blunt snout 猪;野猪. Cf 参看 boar, hog 1, sow1, swine.
(b) (also `pig-meat) [U] its flesh as meat, ie bacon, ham or pork 猪肉.
2 [C] (infml derog 口, 贬)
(a) dirty, greedy, inconsiderate or ill-mannered person 肮脏的、贪婪的、不顾别人的或粗野的人
*Don't be such a pig! 别这么贪心!
* You pig! 你可真脏!
* Some drivers are real pigs. 有些人开车真粗野.
(b) difficult or unpleasant thing, task, etc 困难的或讨厌的事情
*a pig of a job, day, exam 讨厌的工作、日子、考试.
3 (a) [C] oblong mass of metal (esp iron or lead) from a smelting furnace 金属锭; (尤指)铁锭, 铅锭.
(b) [U] = pig-iron.
4 [C] (dated sl 旧, 俚) policeman (男)警察.
5 (idm 习语) buy a pig in a poke => buy. make a `pig of oneself (infml 口) eat or drink too much 吃得或喝得过多. make a `pig's ear (out) of sth (infml 口) do sth badly; make a mess of it 弄糟或弄乱某事物. pig/piggy in the `middle person who is caught eg between two people who are fighting or arguing, and suffers because of it 夹在打架或争吵双方之间的人; 受夹板气的人. ,pigs might `fly (saying 谚) (used to express disbelief 用以表示对某事不相信) miracles may happen but they are extremely unlikely 即使能有奇迹也不太可能出现
*Tom give up smoking? Yes, and pigs might fly! 汤姆戒烟? 嘿, 能有这种事儿!

v (-gg-)
1 [Tn] ~ oneself (infml 口) overeat greedily 贪食过量.
2 (idm 习语) `pig it/pig to`gether live or behave in a dirty or untidy way 生活或行为方面邋遢.
1. When she bought that house, she bought a pig in a poke.
    那所房子是她在未曾过目的情况下, 随便买下的。

2. The porcupine is larger than a pig.

3. To get around that, one company is trying to alter the pig's genetic code to prevent pig organs from being attacked.

4. She looked into every corner in search of unreported appliances, or maids, or a roast pig in the oven, or a new helicopter parked out back.
