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n.松树,树木 v.消瘦,憔悴,渴望,渴慕


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/paɪn; paɪn/
(a) [C] (also `pine tree) any of several types of evergreen tree that bear cones and have needle-shaped leaves growing in clusters 松树
*[attrib 作定语] pine-scented, ie (esp of a deodorant, disinfectant, soap, etc) smelling of pines 有松树香味的(尤指除臭剂、消毒剂、香皂等). =>illus at App
1 见附录1插图, page i.
(b) [U] its pale soft wood, used in making furniture, floors, window frames, etc 松木
*[attrib 作定语] a pine dresser 松木碗橱.

/paɪn; paɪn/
1 [I] be very unhappy, esp because sb has died or gone away 痛苦(尤指因生离死别)
*She certainly hasn't been pining while you were away! 你不在的时候她可并不难受!
2 [Ipr, It] ~ (for sb/sth) long for or miss sb/sth 渴望或想念某人[某事物]
*She was pining for her mother. 她思念着母亲.
* They were pining to return home. 他们渴望返回家园.
3 (idm 习语) peak and pine => peak2.
4 (phr v) pine away become ill or waste away (and die) because of grief (因悲哀)憔悴, 消瘦(而死亡)
*She lost interest in living and just pined away. 她已了无生趣, 日渐憔悴.
1. But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into this village that captured his heart with its fine stone cottages, its central area of green grass, green rows of hedges, and its fantastic view of rolling fields and pine forests disappearing into th

2. There is a pine tree in the garden.

3. Over there, under a huge pine tree, a group of boys and girls are playing games.

4. I was enchanted with the aromatic smell of pine.
