
power plant



power plant为短语/超纲词汇

power plant

'power plant
a building where electricity is produced to supply a large area
= power station
the machine or engine that supplies power to a factory, plane, car etc
1. Energy from nuclear power plants is steadily increasing but the problem of dangerous waste limits growth in many regions.

2. Birds have the power to fly.

3. Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power;

4. But it was also the era of Sputnik, of nuclear power and the green revolution.

5. But after independence, leaders jealous to protect their power shut them out of politics,

6. But as a woman's power is still strongly perceived to be tied up with the ability to bear children, ageing demonstrates to the world her decline, her uselessness for her primary function.

7. Which genus does this plant belong to?

8. Where alternative sources of power are available there are some marked contrasts in handling.
    凡是能源有选择余地的地方, 在处理方面有些显著的差别.

9. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist.

10. When farmer spray poison to kill plant pests, poison is sent into the air the water and the soil.
    农民为了杀死害虫而喷撒农药的时候,有毒物就被排放到空气中, 水里和土壤里.
