be pressed for time/money etc
to not have enough time, money etc
1. We put our hands down but I just stayed exactly where I was. Then one of the bank workers pressed a button behind the counter and the steel gate at the front of the bank moved into place so that we were locked in. We just stayed like that until the p 仿佛在梦中一样,我不紧不慢地走出了银行。没有人试图阻止我,警察似乎对我并不感兴趣。他们不打算盘问我,也没有要求我作证或别的什么,所以我就那样慢悠悠地走出了银行。
2. The publisher pressed the author for his book. 出版商催促作者的书稿。
3. Although negotiators are optimistic, the details are complex enough that they may be hard-pressed to get a deal at all. 然谈判代表持乐观态度,但协议细节如此复杂,他们所面临的困难很可能使他们无法取得一致。
4. Stalin pressed for a decision to launch Overlord in May, saying, "I don´t care if it is the lst, 15th,or 20th, but a definite date is important." 斯大林敦促作出在五月份发动“霸王”行动的决定,他说:“我不在乎是在1号、15号或是20号,但是一个确定的日期是很重要的。”
5. Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back! 身处绝境、九死一生,却仍在奋勇反抗!
6. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we were both thrown forward. 我突然用力踩紧刹车踏板,结果我俩的身体都向前冲去。