

美音:[´pri:vıəslı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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previously为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1408

近义词, 同义词


*She had previously worked in television.她以前干过电视这一行.


before now or before a particular time
 Almost half the group had previously been heavy smokers.
two days/three years etc previously
(=two days, three years etc before)
 Six months previously he had smashed up his car.
see usage noteago
1. While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.

2. This realization now entered my life like a flow of water dividing previously dry and solid ground, creating two banks, one of which was my past — so familiar and predictable that even my unhappiness then made me happy now just to think of it;
    这种认识就象一股水流一样流进我的生活,把先前干涸坚实的土地一分为二,造成了河流的两岸。河岸的一边是我的过去——这对我来说是如此熟悉, 如此地可以预料,以至于我只要想到它,原先使我感到不快的东西也会使现在的我变得开心起来。

3. And of what had previously been wrong with his wife,

4. Shall I make an appointment previously?

5. Previously, mankind only used the Earth.

6. Concrete pillars for highway bridges that previously only had steel rods inside are now enclosed in steel.

7. I've always advocated gun control; the odd thing is I still do. It wasn't ignorance of crime statistics that previously kept me from owning a gun nor thinking I was immune to violence.
