1. Within seconds, a small display unit on the checker´s right shows the name and price of the item; at the same time this information is printed on a strip of paper. 瞬间功夫,在收款员右手的一个小型显示器上就显示出商品名称、价格,同时这些信息就印在了一张长纸条上。
2. The UPC is printed by the manufacturer on each grocery item — a set of thin and thick vertical stripes accompanied by a series of numbers under the stripes and a zero, centered to the left of them. 条形码由厂家印在每一食品上——这是一组粗细不同、垂直排列的线条,线条下方有一组数字,左边有一个“0”字。
3. Or those inviting ´our camping friends´ to a dance or a boat trip are printed not only in French or Italian or Spanish, but also in English, German and Dutch. 和邀请露营朋友参加舞会、乘船观光的招贴不仅印志法语、意大利语、西班牙语,而且也印成英语、德语、荷兰语。
4. She quickly tore open the paper and drew out a printed card. 她迅速将信封打开,从里面拿出一张印了字的卡片。
5. Stranger still, by moving her elbow over a child´s game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colours printed on it; 更为奇怪的是,她把肘部在儿童玩的"罗托"纸牌上移动一下,便能说出印在纸牌上的数字和颜色。
6. For the first time, the customer can see the transaction recorded — and gets a receipt on which every item he or she has picked out is printed by brand name, its price, even the time of purchase. 顾客首次看到所购物品被登录——还能拿到一张收据,收据上明细地列出他所买商品的商标、价格,就连购买时间也列出。