

美音:[prə´dʌkʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[prə´dʌkʃən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


production为高中词汇   词频:639




ducc=to lead(领导) 变化型 duct

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/prə'dʌkʃn; prə`dʌkʃən/
1 [U] action of manufacturing, extracting, etc, esp in large quantities 制造, 生产(尤指大批量)
*oil production 采油
* Production of the new aircraft will start next year. 明年开始制造新型的飞机.
* Production must become more efficient. 必须提高生产效率.
* mass (ie very large-scale) production 大量生产
* Defects in design cannot be put right during production. 设计上的缺陷是无法在生产过程中加以纠正的.
* He has moved from acting to film production. 他由演员变成了制片人.
* [attrib 作定语] production costs, managers, processes, schedules, difficulties 生产的成本、生产经理、生产过程、生产计画、生产的难题.
2 [U] quantity produced 产量
*increase production by using more efficient methods 采用更有效的方法提高产量
* a fall/increase in production 产量的减少[增加].
3 [C] thing that has been produced, esp a play, film, etc 推出的作品(尤指戏剧、影片等)
*They saw several National Theatre productions. 他们看了国家剧院上演的几出戏.
* `King Lear' in a controversial new production 可能引起争论的新剧《李尔王》.
4 (idm 习语) go ,into/,out of pro`duction start/stop being manufactured 投产[停产]
*The system will have to be tested before it goes into production. 这套装置必须经过试验之後才能投产.
* That car went out of production five years ago. 那种汽车已经停产五年了. in pro`duction being manufactured (in large quantities) 在(大量)生产中
*The device will be in production by the end of the year. 该装置将于年底投入生产. on production of sth by/when showing sth 通过[一经]出示某物
*On production of your membership card, you will receive a discount on purchases. 持会员证购物可享受折扣优待.


the process of making or growing things to be sold, especially in large quantities
produce, product productproduction of
 the production of consumer goods
food/oil/milk etc production
 agricultural production and distribution
production costs/facilities/processes etc
 high-tech production methods
be in production
(=being produced)
 By September, the new motors were in production.
go into/out of production
(=begin to be produced in large numbers, or stop being produced)
 The new model will go into production next year.
the amount of goods that are made or grown
increase/rise/fall etc in production
 a drop in oil and gas production
production levels/targets etc
when something is produced through a natural process
production of
 the skin's natural production of oil
[U and C]
a play, film, broadcast etc that is produced for the public, or the process of producing it
 the new Shakespeare production at the Arts Theatre
 In 1992, Green moved into video production.
on/upon (the) production of sth
formal when you show something
 Entrance is only permitted on production of a ticket.
1. They set a target for production.

2. The unconscious is certainly the source of instinctive activity. But in creative thought the unconscious is responsible for the production of new organized forms from relatively disorganized elements.

3. The production of grain seems to be decreasing mainly because of climate changes.

4. The theme park itself will be only part of a giant complex of housing, office, and resort developments stretching far into the next century, including movie and television production facilities.

5. He plays an important role in developing production.

6. All the production teams joined up to improve the irrigation network of the commune.

7. Automobile production is down; bicycle production is up. Crowded highways, high gasoline costs, and ease of bicycling are three reasons for this change.

8. Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer, the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.

9. And the production of recycled items, like the production of any other form of manufactured goods, requires energy and other resources while creating pollution.

10. Since the adoption of the new working method , production has gone up.
