

美音:[(noun) ´prɔdʒekt (verb) prə´dʒekt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[(noun) ´prɔdʒekt (verb) prə´dʒekt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.计划,方案,事业,企业,工程 v.设计,计划,投射,放映,射出,发射(导弹等),凸出


project为小学词汇   词频:2872




ject,jac=to throw(投;掷)

近义词, 同义词



/'prɒdʒekt; `prɑdʒɛkt/
1 (plan for a) scheme or undertaking 计画; 规画; 工程; 事业
*a housing development project 住房建设方案
* a project to establish a new national park 建立一个新的国家公园的工程
* carry out, fail in, form a project 执行、未能实施、拟订一项计画.
2 task set as an educational exercise which requires students to do their own research and present the results (学校的)科研习作项目, 课题
*The class are doing a project on the Roman occupation of Britain. 这个班在进行一项关于古罗马人占领不列颠的研究.

/prə'dʒekt; prə`dʒɛkt/
1 [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] plan (a scheme, course of action, etc) 拟制(方案、行动步骤等); 计画; 规画; 设计
*a demonstration of the projected road improvement scheme 对拟定的道路改善方案的论证
* Our projected visit had to be cancelled. 我们计画中的访问不得不取消.
2 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on/onto sth) cause (light, shadow, a photographic image, etc) to fall on a surface 投射(光线、影子、影像等)
*project a slide on a screen 在银幕上放映幻灯片
* project a beam of light onto a statue 把一道光线投射在雕像上
* project spotlights on a performer 把聚光灯对准一位表演者.
(b) [Tn] show (a film) on a screen using a film projector 放映(影片)
*Will you be able to project the film for us? 你能为我们放映那部影片吗?
3 [I, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) send or throw sth outward or forward 发射或投掷某物
*an apparatus to project missiles into space 将导弹发射到宇宙空间的装置
* An actor must learn to project (his voice). 演员必须学习(使声音)扩及远处的发声法.
* (fig 比喻) project one's thoughts into the future 思想未来.
4 [I, Ipr] extend outward beyond a surface; jut out 伸出; 突出
*a projecting beam 突出的横梁
* a balcony that projects over the street 伸展到街道上的阳台.
5 [Tn.pr] ~ sth on to sb (psychology 心) think, esp unconsciously, that sb shares (one's own feelings, usu unpleasant ones) 将(自己的感情, 通常为不愉快者)投射给某人; 以为(尤指潜意识地)某人也存在(与自己同样的、通常为不愉快的感情)
*You mustn't project your guilt on to me, ie assume that I feel as guilty as you do. 你不要以为我也和你一样内疚.
6 [Tn] represent (sth/sb/oneself) to others in a way that creates a strong or favourable impression 向他人表现(某事物[某人/自己])以使其产生深刻的或良好的印象
*Does the BBC World Service project a favourable view of Great Britain? 英国广播公司的对外广播是否使听众对英国产生了好感?
* The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes. 这个党竭力装出一付关心工人阶级的新形象.
7 [Tn]
(a) make a systematic drawing of (a solid, esp curved, object) on a flat surface, as maps of the earth are made 作(固体物, 尤指曲线状物)之投影图.
(b) make (a map) in this way 用投影法制作(地图).
8 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sth) predict (results) based on known data; extrapolate (根据现有资料)预测(结果); 推断
*project population growth to the year
2000 预测到2000年人口增长状况.


The California Open Source Textbook Project (COSTP) is a collaborative, public/private undertaking created to address the high cost, content range, and consistent shortages of K-12 textbooks in California.
1. The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.

2. The project is gainful.

3. The new project gained publicity through papers.

4. This project will require less money.

5. Tai chi is just one form of exercise studied for its fall-preventing benefits as part of a recently completed six-year project by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Nursing Research.

6. Though today is the official opening ceremony, visitors are still excluded from the most enormous privately funded construction project ever.

7. The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project, to speed up the wheels of government.

8. The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.

9. He is in charge of the municipal housing project.

10. Often, we project name-based stereotypes on people, as one woman friend discovered while taking charge of a nursery-school's group of four-year olds.
    正如我的一位女性朋友在照看一批托儿所里的四岁儿童时所发现的那样, 我们常常把由名字引起的固定想法加到他人身上。
